Delaware Liberal

Conspiracy Theory

So, here is a question:  The Republicans can’t attach themselves to this war and expect to win in 2008, is this stance by Bush the opening they need to “break away” from the President and look like “mavericks”?

I just can’t believe that he is going to get away with saying he is bringing the troops home the summer of 2008, when they had to come home anyways.  Doesn’t this leave the opening for the GOP to swoop in and force early drawdowns and look like heroes?

I don’t like it.

Or since the troops have to come home by the Summer that leaves us about 6 months to bomb Iran which puts the GOP in a strong position.

 @#@#$@#%@#$%^@#%^##%^#@@#%^@#!^t!~~~~!~!!!!! I don’t like it!

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