Dragnet style: Just the facts boys

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 14, 2007

Fast and Loose he is But that commie rag called him out on it.

Lie: sharing oil revenues with the provinces” and allowing “former Baathists to rejoin Iraq’s military or receive government pensions.”

Fact: his statement ignored the fact that U.S. officials have been frustrated that none of those actions have been enshrined into law — and that reports from Baghdad this week indicated that a potential deal on sharing oil revenue is collapsing.

Lie: Bush also asserted that Baqubah, the capital of Diyala province, was once an al-Qaeda stronghold but that “today, Baqubah is cleared.”

Fact: on Aug. 27, the head of the State Department team in Diyala said the security situation was not stable, hampering access to food and energy

Lie: Bush also thanked “the 36 nations who have troops on the ground in Iraq.”

Fact: But the State Department’s most recent weekly report on Iraq said there are 25 countries supplying 11,685 troops — about 7 percent of the size of the U.S. forces.

Lie: The president also painted a relatively favorable picture of Baghdad, saying that a year ago much of it “was under siege” but that today “ordinary life is beginning to return.”

Fact: 2 million refugees.  1000 sectarian attacks a week, city is broken down by Sunni and Shia due to ethnic cleansing


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hiding in the open

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  1. Phantom says:

    Might also want to add that at the beginning of the war we only had 31 countries assisting our campaign and I have not ever heard of a country crazy enough to join this screwed up occupation after the fact. Nice to know our president can dream up new countries and not tell us who they are. I recommend a challenge to come up with the 5 dream countries that were potentially added by our president to the world last night. My guess is that he imagined these countries and then envisioned that by thanking them for thier assistance he was really just patting himself on the back, since he created those countries in the first place.

  2. jason330 says:

    “former Baathists to rejoin Iraq’s military or receive government pensions.”

    Also, I love how he uses the partial correction of one of his own fuck ups as a measure of progress.

    It is like saying, “I crashed the car, but I then repaired one headlight – so my car plan is working.”