The Sad Death of First State Politics

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007

I could see this coming for a while, but with Dave giving time to real nitwits who are the proud 12 percenters who think George Bush is doing a good great job, I think FSP is dead.

Dave has recently gone off the deep end and Randy does not post enough to balance the puerile pseudo-patriotic gibberish that is Frank Knotts or the brain-dead ramblings of David Anderson.


1. Of course the war was a good idea and is a worthy cause. Read Apologetic no more: A defense of the war in Iraq.

I believe Rummy messed up the peace. That does not invalidate the war. We have stopped a genocide.

2. Bush is our Lincoln. He will be so honored by the masses in the years to come.

3. It is not incompatible with Christianity to stop a genocidal, terrorist supporting, corrupt tyrannt. Now we have to mop up the remaining elements of his regime who still want to kill and terrorize. That is a worthy cause. It is just.

[crickets in the distance chirping. The reader is struck dumb, looks left and then right for a hidden camera.]

FSP is kind of dragging itself forward in a zombie like state, but the old blog which was a great place to engage local Republicans is (sadly) gone, gone, gone.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Wow. First, there was no genocide in Iraq in 2002-3 prior to our invasion. So, what genocide did we stop? Indeed, I thought our reason for invading was because Saddam had weapons of mass destruction? Are we to revise history now?

    Second, Lincoln was not a crazed religious nut who started a war, divided the nation and singled out whole groups of people for discrimination by the masses. Indeed, he did the opposite. He united this country, preached equality, and freed the slaves. Lincoln expanded constitutional freedoms and liberties to tens of millions of African Americans. Bush has curtailed constitutional freedoms and liberties for all Americans.

    It is an insult to Lincoln to suggest Bush is anything like him. If anything, Bush is our Jefferson Davis.

    Third, two Popes have now condemned the war as immoral and unjust. I trust them more than I trust a right wing nut job to tell me what is more compatiable with Christianity.

  2. Disbelief says:

    DD, you have to put it in simpler terms for the 12 percenters:

    Bush: kills brown people
    Lincoln: freed brown people

  3. donviti says:

    bush kills Mexicans!

    that bastard!

  4. Disbelief says:

    Or Italians?

  5. donviti says:

    we are more olive colored though

  6. Von Cracker says:

    FSP = String quartet on the Titanic. The problem is that their captian is still at the helm….

    or Kevin Bacon at the end of Animal House 🙂

    “ALL IS WELL!!!!”

  7. r smitty says:

    Well, no one told me! Guess I’ll have to come over here as a contributor, now.

    I hope donviti doesn’t mind being the second hottest blogger on DL now (that means you’re pretty damned ugly, Jason). I also hope he doesn’t mind his ex joining in on the blogging fun now, too.

    I’ll make my first post on the good things about Frightland.

  8. jason330 says:

    Smitty –

    Did you notice that Frightland was mentioned in that song? Spooky eh?

  9. Disbelief says:

    You keep mentioning Frightland. Went up there for the first time a couple of years ago. Had a blast. I thought it was going to be a bunch of carney bs. It was actually great.

    What’s this rumor about them losing sponsors?

  10. r smitty says:

    That must be Jason starting the rumors! 🙂

  11. jason330 says:

    One of my early lietmotifs was that Frightland sucked and needed to be torn down – the owners arrested or driven into the sea.

    I’ve since come to a gruding acceptance. But R Smitty never lets me off the hook for the very over the top attacks I used to lavish on Frightland.

  12. r smitty says:

    That’s how we met…we should almost join for an anniversary dinner there…or at the ChesDel.

    I just listened to that….I think that guy has been following me around to all of the drinking holes.

  13. Disbelief says:

    ChesDel = pickled beets.

    MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, pickled beets {drooling sound}

  14. r smitty says:

    Don’t they also do muskrat on that one, special day meant to highlight Dealware’s colonial heritage?

  15. Disbelief says:

    You can still get muskrat here. But be careful. “Legal” muskrat must have the head and one paw on it when you buy it. Its an old law that prevented people selling you cat instead of muskrat (I’m not kidding). And since they’re vegetarians, they taste ok (you have to add a lot of fat like any other game meat).

  16. FSP is losing it relevance because it bans contributors. My comments get through 5% of the time and others who are supporters get banned also.


  17. rickj19958 says:

    So when David Anderson makes a post that goes further to the right socially than Burris might have made, it’s a sign of the FSP apocolype, but when donviti goes off on a profanity-laden tirage about how attractive he is, it’s biting social commentary that further cements DelLib as cutting edge and relevant?

  18. rickj19958 says:

    Oh, and I meant “apocolype”. Anyone can call for the apocalypse, but the “apocolype”? That’s all me, baby.

  19. anon says:

    …when David Anderson makes a post that goes further to the right socially…


    …when donviti goes off on a profanity-laden tirage about how attractive he is

    Both are the same ego-driven crap. Only one is parody, and one is not.

  20. r smitty says:

    FSP is losing it relevance because it bans contributors. My comments get through 5% of the time and others who are supporters get banned also.


    None of your comments ever go into spam or moderation, MikeProtackforGovernor…and you’re not banned. I would veto such an attempt. Honestly, I don’t even know if that is an option on wordpress or not. If it is, then educate me.

    What supporters have been banned? Care to share their “handles?”

    Maybe you should listen to David Anderson some more. He is at least trying to move on.

    Maybe it’s your “electronic graffiti?”

    P.S.: Get my home number off of your asenine polls. They lead people to an answer like a shepherd leads sheep.

  21. r smitty says:

    I sort of apologize…there are quite a few comments from Mike, Disbelief, even Dave B that are in the spam queue. I will be unspamming over the weekend.


  22. The polls are very effective and they will continue. We are moving ahead in all the right ways.

    I believe you need spell check on the last sentence.

    I do listen to David, maybe you guys should have done so over a month ago.

    Have a great day.

  23. Jim Aldrich says:

    As Dave continues to take his orders from “high command in Berlin” the Republican Party bosses continue to try to rule in lonely splendor.

    The effort by FSP to minimize Mike Protack and his growing grassroots support is only one example.

  24. liberalgeek says:

    I love how a single person posting under different names qualifies as “grass roots support.” Mike, you need to get these guys on a leash.

  25. r smitty says:

    Yes, I misspelled a word, but I believe you should have understood my point.

  26. Disbelief says:

    I wonder if getting blog mention in the NJ requires that the blog represent no threat whatsoever to NJ in terms of circulation and/or reporting?