Delaware Liberal

The Sad Death of First State Politics

I could see this coming for a while, but with Dave giving time to real nitwits who are the proud 12 percenters who think George Bush is doing a good great job, I think FSP is dead.

Dave has recently gone off the deep end and Randy does not post enough to balance the puerile pseudo-patriotic gibberish that is Frank Knotts or the brain-dead ramblings of David Anderson.


1. Of course the war was a good idea and is a worthy cause. Read Apologetic no more: A defense of the war in Iraq.

I believe Rummy messed up the peace. That does not invalidate the war. We have stopped a genocide.

2. Bush is our Lincoln. He will be so honored by the masses in the years to come.

3. It is not incompatible with Christianity to stop a genocidal, terrorist supporting, corrupt tyrannt. Now we have to mop up the remaining elements of his regime who still want to kill and terrorize. That is a worthy cause. It is just.

[crickets in the distance chirping. The reader is struck dumb, looks left and then right for a hidden camera.]

FSP is kind of dragging itself forward in a zombie like state, but the old blog which was a great place to engage local Republicans is (sadly) gone, gone, gone.

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