Who is your next President

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 14, 2007


This Patriot was my choice

Don’t forget to choose Low, Medium or High as your importance.

H/T to a Pa Hottie…


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hiding in the open

Comments (13)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    UGH. I hate Kucinich. Well, not hate, but he is near last on my choice of candidates.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    My results:

    Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) – 85.00%
    Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) – 85.00%
    Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) – 80.00%
    New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) – 80.00%
    New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) – 75.00%
    Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) – 75.00%
    Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) – 60.00%
    Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) – 60%

  3. jason330 says:

    My least favorite was…

    Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) – 6.25%

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    None of the Rethugs measured above 15% for me.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    OMG – mine is Kucinich too!

    Though I’m still waiting for the Gore-meister.

    Hey – brightside is a hot red-head as FLOTUS.

  6. cassandra m says:

    I wish Gore was running this cycle too, but I really think he is out of it.

    My least favorite (ranking at 0%<) is:
    All of the Republicans except Ron Paul. There was a time when McCain would have been much higher on the list (as in maybe I could vote for the guy), but now he is a pandering wingnut. Too bad.

    Obama, Dodd and Edwards are my top three, but I have not decided on any of them yet.

    Definitely not a Hillary fan.

  7. r smitty says:

    OH DEAR LORD! That’s it! I quit! I quit blogging! On the risk of this showing up in a pink, orange, yellow, whatever postcard, I will allow you into my now personal hell of my results…AAAARRRRGHHHH!!!!

    Your Top Match:
    Based on your responses, this is your top candidate for 2008.

    Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D)
    71.55% match



    My first Repubs are:
    “Businessman” John Cox at 56.9 (who in the hell?!)

    “Bottom of the Barrel”
    Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo (R) – 39.66%
    Former Tennessee Senator Thompson (R) – 39.66%
    Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R) – 38.79%
    Kansas Senator Sam Brownback (R) – 29.31%

    Oh my GOD! I think I just threw up. Time to go pick up my kids…and hug them for the entire weekend.
    πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™
    Giuliani at 53.45
    Paul at 46.55

  8. r smitty says:

    Stupid comments…that was supposed to be:

    My first Repubs are:
    β€œBusinessman” John Cox at 56.9 (who in the hell?!)
    Giuliani at 53.45
    Paul at 46.55

    The kill-me-now-sad-faces messed that up.

  9. anon says:

    The survey is messed up because it doesn’t include tax policy.

    I’m a yellow-dog Dem and I ended up with Gravel at 20-something percent followed closely by Kucinich. I guess I am some kind of hybrid liberal with a Libertarian streak.

  10. Ryan S. says:

    California Representative Duncan Hunter (R) – 81.82%
    Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) – 81.82%
    Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo (R) – 81.82%

  11. Dana Garrett says:

    I got Denny K too, a 92.11% match and he is the candidate I want to be President.

  12. Mine were Kucinich, Clinton, Edwards and Biden, all pretty close together.

  13. r smitty says:

    Even when I try to lead the answers to a different result…I still get…

    Oh nevermind.
