“possum” has his fans at kos (for what it’s worth)

Filed in National by on September 15, 2007

To some extent daily kos acts a kind of “my space” where people find some connection to the wider world in a community of (for the most part) sympatico fellow travelers. Of course its main job is as a clearing house for left of center news, oposition research, and electoral “best practices” – but this secondary role of “community” is important. (Delaware Dem is more plugged in than me on this – so his comments will be valuable here.)

On the community side, Jerry Northington has his groupies, as evidenced by his current reccomended diary which got reccomended and has garnerd around 200 comments. Reading through the diary and those comments I have to wonder if “possum” isn’t too much of a pure internet candidate. In other worlds, while I thought Spivack (who did not even answer emails, but had them printed out by a staffer) did not leverage the left blogosphere enough- is Northington’s campaign only about his kos “second life.” I don’t know. I guess we’ll see.

Here is a picture of Jerry that al fellow Kossak put up.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. cassandra m says:

    I’ve been lurking and commenting (and donating to campaigns and volunteering for them too) at dKos since well before Scoop. That said, I think that the greatest role of dKos is its community. At its earliest, it allowed a whole group of Democrats who were tired of the ever rightward triangulation of the party to energize each other to work for change. Personally, I was delighted to find a group of serious Democrats obsessed with issues, horse races, strategies and tactics who were pointed (mostly) at a goal of more and better Democrats at all levels of government.

    Jerry Northington has been active enough at dKos to have made many friends and I think you see that in the diary he put up. But I also think that many “I’m Running” Diaries get alot of attention (not surprising in a group of people who value action) there, because the ultimate activism is to put your money where your mouth is and run for an office.

    I have no idea yet who I’ll vote for against Castle, but hey, isn’t cool to have plenty of choices for voting against Castle?

  2. Delaware Dem says:


    You are correct in describing the Daily Kos community as that…a community.

    At this point in the race, I probably will support someone else, but that doesn’t mean I am glad Northington is running. The more voices against Castle the better.

  3. I am glad that Jerry is running. This post is a delight, from the phunny photo shop to the declarations of support from his community.