UPDATED: Still no decision from “happy” Al Levin (In spite of the urging of 78 people)

Filed in National by on September 16, 2007

NJ Link

Levin, who recently sold his popular drugstore chain Happy Harry’s to Walgreens, clearly is the preference of Republican officials. Several have signed the petition already.

“Several” Impressive!

“I wanted to send a clear public message that there are a lot of people on the Republican side who believe 2008 is going to be a good Republican year,” Copeland said. “And a candidate like Alan Levin will make it so. I think some of the names I saw when I signed on were sending the same message. He’ll be a great candidate and a great leader to lead Delaware out of the quagmire we’re walking into with the current administration.”

Burris, whose father ran for governor in 2000, said he sees no need for Levin to speed things up.

“There are a lot of people very excited about the potential of having him run,” Burris said.

“a lot” !!! For the record, 78 whole Republicans in total so far. That’s some groundswell. Iguess you could call it Levin-mania!!!


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (34)

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  1. Let me know if you did not get the poll results.


  2. jason330 says:

    I’m going to post on it this Monday. Nobody reads this thing on the wekend – aside from KATE DIckens from Mike Castle’s office.

    Hi Kate!!

  3. Jim Aldrich says:

    Levin is a tool of the old money in Delaware and has never been for the people.

    Now he wants to be “drafted” for Governor.

    I doubt he wants to run against Protack, Protack now knows how to win.

    I hear Levin has some skeletal remains that are rattling around the closet at the mansion yearing to be let out.

  4. Anon II says:

    I hope Mr. Levin has the good sense of Michelle Rollins and refuses to be ‘drafted’, ‘appointed’, or ‘selected’….once he faces Mr. Markell his claim to fame (great business person) will pale beside Jack’s self made man…..
    FYI I do not believe the Carpenters, Copelands, Deans, or duPonts consider Levin ‘old money’….

  5. anon says:

    Speaking of journalistic BJs… notice the inconsequential Levin petition story is Page One above the fold on the News Journal print edition.

  6. jason330 says:

    The news journal loves them some Dave Burris.

  7. Anyone who “controls” the Chamber and Business Roundtable and forks over for full page spreads gets the WNJ’s attention.

  8. jason330 says:

    But Lee said the petition represents a different kind of unity for Republicans.

    “What it says is the Republican Party (leadership) is prepared to unite behind someone who is not a part of the political structure (who is not named Mike Protack).”

  9. Disbelief says:

    Sign the petition now! If Levin runs, our next Gov will be a D!

  10. I guess the loons and losers of the GOP must be going crazy. I think the trigger Levin talks about pulling is the one to a gun next to his head. Or maybe Terry Strine’s head? This FSP guy is an embarassment of the first order, 78 people sign a petition in 3 days?

    The reality is any State Chamber of Commerce President is not going to be elected Governor. No chance, didn’t the GOP learn from 2000 with that ass whooping Minner put on Burris??

    I am a Democratic voter for the most part and I am not inspired by either Carney or Markell but they are a much better choice than Levin. If Protack is not a greedy neanderthal of the typical GOP ilk, I want to hear more.

    I hear he is a union member who lost his pension and a big chunk of his pay. Plus he has a job which most people respect not one given to him by his Daddy.

    What kind of weed is Copeland smoking? Good year for Republicans is a stretch I think at best. Everyone realizes the GOP Politburo can;t elect anyone but they can attack those they deem “not good enough”. I remember those tasteless radio ads against Protack by that hack Bill Lee last year before Protack almost upset Ting.

    I for one want to see this poll and hear about Protack, I am still leaning heavily to Carney or Markell but let’s see.

  11. anon says:

    If I were Levin I’d be busy extracting notarized commitments from GOP leadership and top fundraisers. Levin’s only chance is to go ultra-negative on the Minner record. But the Delaware GOP doesn’t exactly have a deft touch with negative campaigns (“Beau Doesn’t Know). And besides, Minner isn’t running.

  12. Jason O'Neill says:

    Fancy resumes and taking over daddy’s business won’t get you elected. But I do say there is about a 40-50% chance Levin throws his hat in the ring.

    FSP (Dave Burris) – thanks for blocking me from posting comments on your blog.

  13. rickj19958 says:

    Funniest Protack mistake EVER!!!

    The standard Protack proxy is “GOP Observer” or some such nonsense. He lists as his homepage http://www.delawaregop.com – which suggests that he’s all Republican, but has given up on the Greenville gang.

    Post #10 “Let the truth be known” states that “I am a Democratic voter for the most part…” and “I for one want to see this poll and hear about Protack…”. It also takes the time to insult every candidate Protack has run against.

    Also, the homepage listed is – get ready – http://www.delawaregop.com, further proving that this guy is a freaking idiot.

  14. rickj19958 says:

    Jason, I know you must be enjoying the cannibalism that’s going on here, but forward the IP address of post #10 to Dave. In the interest of truth, it needs to be done.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Rick, yes it is perfectly obvious. We don’t even need to forward the IP. Please let it suffice to say that the IP is not a new one. It has been used by GOP Observer, Priscilla, and a host of other Protack “supporters.”

  16. anon says:

    Great work gang! Now go have a Scooby Snack.

  17. The Protack “question” just won’t go away. It is distressing that someone running for governor would stoop to sockpuppetry.

    Dave Burris, where is your familiar, snarky retort? Can the DEMs be taking such a toll as to discourage Dave from liberal forums as he has disappeared liberals from some of his own?

  18. anon says:

    Dave… Your petitions are taking up too much memory on your computer. Delete some petitions and reboot. You’ll be back online in no time.

  19. Boys,

    Thanks for the laugh. You guys use anonymous names and yet everyone else’s IP is the problem? You may not like the comments but who and where they come from is a moot issue. Try a bit of substance for a change-it will help your anger management.

    You can publish every IP address from every post, that is fine by me.

    Post #10 is humorous. I don’t think 2008 will be a good Republican year in the aggregate but only in some races. The comparison of being greedy neanderthal is a good one, I did enjoy that one quite a bit. The online petition was indeed a bust, who can argue with that fact?

    Have a great day.

  20. Me Too says:

    That anyone could call page one, above the fold treatment in the Sunday News Journal a bust is just crazy.

    Apparently Mike has bigger problems than IP addresses to worry about.

  21. liberalgeek says:


    I’ll say this. If Ruth Ann were trolling the blogs and someone that planted wet ones on her kept posting from a public terminal (or appeared to post from the Governor’s house) it would be news. Bad behavior from politicians (even politicians that haven’t won anything) is valid journalistic enterprise.

    You can argue all you want that FSP is a mouthpiece of the entrenched Republican elite. That point has some validity and I am glad that Burris has a disclaimer on the blog.

    But this site is an open forum that doesn’t take kindly to astroturfing. We won’t ban your supporter[s] from posting, but we will call you and them on it when they are being obvious.

    I knew who that poster was without doing any research.

  22. Arthur Downs says:

    Petitions can be meaningful when a State constitution allows them as a tool for furthering (or blocking) legislation.

    Petitions are also required in some jurisdictions when unaffiliated candidates are seeking a spot on the ballot.

    There are also ‘petitions’ that are pure eyewah and are intended to demonstrate ‘support’ for a candidate who can get a few signatures.

    Nelson Rockefeller’s organization circulated meaningless ‘petitions’ supporting his candidacy the last time he sought the prseidency. He had some very attractive volunteers and I asked one which model agency provided them. They were Powers models……. His money could not buy the nomination.

  23. The longer you dwell on IP addresses and then encourage anonymous names the more you dilute the level of conversation.

    Good luck.

  24. Sally says:

    It looks like Protack must be making some serious headway with both parties.

    Davie over at FSP has apparently had a nervous breakdown trying to ID all protack supporters. Still living in his father’s failure as a candidate.

    The GOP goes down the tubes farther and faster with the party bosses trying to control the disgruntled GOP voters.

    At least Protack has a platform; a great record of military service and will give us a real choice.

    Levin is a silver spooned devil that discriminated against his employees and doesn’t deserve to suck off the public teat.

  25. LennyD says:

    For the record, Levin is a self made man in every sense of the definition. He was prosecutor for the state and cheif of staff for Senator Bill Roth all before the age of 30. Once Harry passed away Alan switched gears and took over the business. You can call it whatever you want, but the fact is Alan grew that business from a little over a dozen stores to over 70 stores. This is extremely impressive, and not something any old “rich kid” with an inheritance can pull off.

  26. anon says:

    I think EVERY kid should start out life with a dozen drugstores.

  27. LennyD says:

    And also I have to ask… If someone is successful does that automatically make them greedy? And in this case, if you all truly believe that the sale of Happy Harry’s was based solely upon greed you are all wrong. Sure he had his payday, but if anyone of you (which I am sure none of you do) have a shred of knowledge of what it takes to survive in the drug store business then you might just understand why one would sell. Especially someone who is just a small fish like Happy Harry’s.

  28. jason330 says:

    I think EVERY kid should start out life with a dozen drugstores.


    Best comment EVER!!

  29. LennyD says:

    It would be one thing if he inherited 12 stores and ended with 12, but he didn’t, instead he expanded it by nearly 6 times that. And, like i said, he was a prosecutor before that and chief of staff for Roth, so even without daddy’s business Alan was already an upstanding citizen.

  30. Disbelief says:

    If we want to get down to the lowest common denominator: is there anyone we could elect as bad as Minner?

  31. anon says:

    instead he expanded it by nearly 6 times that

    I practically cried every time I saw them bulldozing down a stand of trees I had grown up with and laying down an aircraft-carrier deck of concrete to support a new Happy Harry’s and maybe a dry-cleaner and a crappy Chinese restaurant.

    If you tell me there were meetings or hearings that I missed where I could have objected, I’m guilty.

    You cannot convince me Levin is the right guy to manage growth.

  32. LennyD says:

    Whatever, cry me a river anon

  33. Alan Gentry says:

    Looks like the Draft Levin petition needs some Viagra from Happy Harry Drugs to keep it up.

    The counter says 20 and the names show 15 of the usual suspects.

    Maybe a Cialis chaser to go with for Levin.

  34. r smitty says:

    How cute, troll Gentry is posting the same comment here and on FSP. How’s Amsterdam, Troll Gentry? Oh, that’s right, it’s that snazzy new anonymizer.