Are the Mighty whitey’s a little too uptighty?

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 17, 2007

(In case you were wondering that is code for the GOP)

WASHINGTON — Three of the four leading Republican presidential candidates turned down invitations to a PBS debate this month at a historically black college in Baltimore, leading moderator Tavis Smiley on Thursday to accuse them of ignoring minority voters

“No one should be elected president of this country in 2008 if they think that along the way they can ignore people of color,” said Smiley, host of radio and TV talk shows. “If you want to be president of all America, you need to speak to all Americans.”


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hiding in the open

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Even Andrew Sullivan thinks this is not a smart approach.

    Me, I am waiting to see who the GOP trots out with the spin that they’ve all overcome and they are now color-blindly (?) speaking to all Americans. Which, of course, is just the right “not really of us” code these wingnuts will send to their base.

  2. Not knowing the format I don’t why they would say no but I would advise them to go and speak.

  3. Chris says:

    Disappointing. Even though the black college would no doubt be politically hostile, they might just swing some votes by going.

    I was even more disappointed by their decision not to do the Univision debate like the Dems did. This makes NO sense, since Republicans have pretty good traction in certain segments of the hispanic demographic. Stupid decisions.

  4. Anon II says:

    The ‘Deal’s been cut’: 2008 belongs to Dems.

  5. donviti says:

    it makes perfect sense when you cater to white people Chris. How can it not make sense to you?

    it is obvious what the party stands for and who they want to represent.