Do you smell something?

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 17, 2007


well it’s you and not me!


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hiding in the open

Comments (5)

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  1. jason330 says:

    I cant wait for this picture to be pushed down below the fold.

  2. Alan Gentry says:

    Push the photo down too far and you may find Dave Burris!

  3. r smitty says:

    Well, I was going to ask if that was you with the goatee, Donviti, but troll Gentry took away the humor.

  4. DV, not one single article that covered this conceptual discovery used intra-gender examples.. just sayin,

  5. r smitty says:

    That’s why I was going to ask if that goatee dude was him!!! 😛