DE GOP still the party of “ideas”….not

Filed in National by on September 18, 2007

This is in chapter one, page five of the Rove playbook. It is the “vieled innuendo of wrong doing.”

Picking through finance reports for something that kinda, sorta, could look funny if you squint at it is a Cathcart favorite.  If anyone wonders why good people avoid public service, just read the comments. [Mike Mahaffie excluded.]

Obviously, Dave Burris got the job of preparing the ground for one of Cathcart’s cronies to take on Bethany Hall Long.

But who?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. WTFO says:

    The Delaware Republican Party has ceased to exist in any credible form.

    Over 1,000 people have changed their voter registration this year to Ind alone.

    Deja vu all over again and again.

  2. Disbelief says:

    Why change your vote to indie? Then you can’t vote in any primary.

    I saw they’re over at FSP bitching about Protack and anonimizers. I was going to get an anonimizer, but my wife said it was perverted and don’t bring it anywhere near the bedroom, so I opted for dirty magazines instead.

  3. r smitty says:

    Hey, WTFO…since you are trolling about from Kinko’s (as gleaned from my blog), can you take some time and tell me how you know of my contribution to your boy’s campaign (that would be Protack, of course) in 06? Remember, it was NOT itemized as it was well under the reporting requirement of $200. In case you forget about that comment, you can find it here

  4. r smitty says:

    OK, you can find that comment HERE. Sorry about the confusion as it appears easy to do to you.

  5. Jim Aldrich says:

    We’re printing TROLLS FOR PROTACK stickers to distribution.

    Chances are pretty good that you’ll see more of those than you will petition signers to the newly censored Levin petition drive.

    Seems to have faded faster than the last one.

  6. r smitty says:

    Jim/Alan Gentry/Denise/WTFO or whoever you are from Kinkos or anonymizing from Amsterdam or the Pacific Rim. Did you find that source of my contribution to boss Protack in 2006? Remember, it wasn’t itemized!