Patriot Day: Honoring Our Brave Mercenaries

Filed in National by on September 19, 2007

I want to vomit when I think about the idea that our brave mercenaries could be tried by some kangaroo court in Iraq for spraying machine gun fire into a crowd.

For one thing that so called “crowd” was probably up to no good, otherwise why would they be in Iraq?

For another thing, over 1,000 of our brave Blackwell contractors have died to help freedom and democracy gain a foothold in Iraq. They both tougher and smarter* than the average GI and this is the way we treat them? Shameful.

(*Yes I said smarter. These mercenaries make $15,000 a month while an average grunt would be lucky to bank $30 grand a year. I support the troops more than anybody (and by “support” I mean talk about supporting) but when you look at those numbers you just have to admit that the grunts are just suckers.)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Von Cracker says:


  2. anon11 says:

    How dare those lesser “soldiers” write such blasphemy from the Green Zone about our brave Blackwater fighting dudes as this :

    Baghdad, 15 Sept 07: “Finally, Bush’s very own SS units, the Blackwater Butchers, are about to get the pink slip in their pay checks. Even the bloody-minded Iraqi Quislings here have had enough of the senseless and happy slaughter by Bush’s bully boys. The Blackwater thugs have made many millions of dollars by doing what we in the Army can’t….butchering (and often raping) civilians.

    They are not subject to military law and Bush personally put them here to do just what they have been doing…terrorizing and killing anyone whom they personally feel might be an enemy. Some six year old terrorist might have run into that house? Fine, get out the flamethrowers boys and we’ll have a barbeque! The Army, of course, is getting the blame for these perverts and sadists and the damage they have done, and been paid for, will come back to haunt the American people years from now.

    I personally feel, as do many of my buddies here, that these weight-lifting, tattooed, thick-necked and tiny-brained assholes should be lined up and shot in their fat guts in batches of fifty and left for the flies and the local dogs.

    When the locals grabbed a vehicle full of these swine some time back, shot all of them , cut them up like the pigs they are, poured gas on the bits and pieces., set them on fire and hung the smoking remains on a local bridge, many of us, including my superior officer, quietly cheered.

    Oh, yes, the safest place to laugh or cheer here is in the heads where pictures of our Beloved Leader keep getting pasted up in the backs of urinals (only to be torn off by daily patrols of MPs designated solely for that purpose).

    Early each and every morning, when I go into the head, (and before the morning visits by the MPs) I really enjoy splashing the Head Chimpanzee with nice, warm piss. Bush is now called ‘Captain Pissgums around here.”