Filed in National by on September 19, 2007

Breaking: Senate rejects habeas legislation.

In a 56-43 vote, the Senate today “narrowly rejected” legislation that would have restored habeas corpus rights to military detainees and given them “the right to protest their detention in federal court.” The roll call fell four votes short of the 60 needed to cut off debate.

UPDATE: Full roll call vote HERE.


We are soooooo lucky to have Tom Carper. I real live hero – who stands up for the flag against the Constitution EVERY time.

See the comments: Carper “voted Yea with the Defeatocrats to close debate so the pro-al Quaeda bill could go to a vote.”   Why does Carper hate America?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    I think you have it backwards; Carper voted Yea with the Defeatocrats to close debate so the pro-al Quaeda bill could go to a vote. Whew! Good thing cloture failed. Had it gone to a vote, the bill would have easily passed. Thank God for the steadfast obstructionist action and Nay votes of 42 Republican patriots, plus super patriot Joe Lieberman.

  2. jason330 says:

    Thanks for that.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Again, today’s repubs are a bunch of scared, little pussies. They’d rather give up our freedoms for a nice, warm security blanket….

    tough-talking losers that don’t know how to walk.

  4. G Rex says:

    From Leahy’s statement:

    “The Military Commissions Act rolled back these protections by eliminating that right, permanently, for any non-citizen labeled an enemy combatant. In fact, a detainee does not have to be found to be an enemy combatant; it is enough for the Government to say someone is “awaiting” determination of that status.”

    Sure, and you can also be sent to Gitmo for mentioning Skull and Bones when Senator Kerry is in the room.

  5. jason330 says:

    They should have stomped on that kids balls. A tazer was too good for him.

  6. Disbelief says:

    The school security guard fiasco has been clarified. The guards involved attended the Dick Cheney School of Shooting Accurately. The one with the taser was actually trying to tase the guard who attacked the kid. Unfortunately, he missed and shot the kid instead.

    Minor misunderstanding.

  7. G Rex says:

    Breaking news: the University of Florida is disbanding their campus police department and hiring Blackwater for their campus security. That should make the Gators vs. Seminoles football weekend particularly interesting.

  8. The walking mask of evil, Joe Lieberman is Carper’s bestest friend.

    Why is everything set to cloture…can’t we get around that and why didn’t the DEMs use this tactic when they had a close minority…..LAME LAME LAME DEM