Delaware Liberal

The Defeatocrats WILL lose in 2008

I am reading this article “How the Democrats can Lose”
And it strikes me that he says “CAN” What does he mean can? They are always on the wrong side of the issues as far as I’m concerned.

Newt, of course, is right. The Democrats have the inside track. But that doesn’t mean they won’t blow it. Nor does it mean that a shrewdly run Republican presidential campaign — helped by trends that might shift over the next 14 months — can’t beat the odds

Who is this guy? The cut-and-runners “won’t” blow it? What is he kidding me? We just need one more 9/11 and they are so done. These guys are a bunch of scared libs that don’t want to fight. They just want to lay back and talk about the problems over a cup of tea. Freaking ridiculous. You have to hit these guys where it hurts man.  You need to bring the fight to them, not wait to be killed.  God! I get so worked up thinking about these freaking hippies. 

Rudy, the Democrats fantasize, finally emerges as a Republican nominee who not only lacks enthusiastic support from his own party’s base, but also lacks the appeal on cultural issues that in recent decades has driven socially conservatives swing voters in swing states into the Republican column.

The dream scenario for the democrats is for Rudy to win?!!! ARE you @#%ing kidding me? He will wipe the floor up with them. The guy single handedly led NYC back from that tragedy. He is America’s Mayor for crying out loud. No way the independent voters don’t vote for Rudy over Billary!

finally though the writer turns the corner and talks sense here with how the dems will lose. his single best reason:

She will even advocate socialized medicine.In that scenario, a nightmare may be averted. Just enough people might go to the polls next November nursing one conviction that trumps all others: There’s no way they would vote for Hillary Clinton.EXACTLY!!! Who the hell wants to pay the poors bills? I don’t! if they aren’t smart enough to go to school, get a job and eat healthy why should I have to pay for them?Oh I can’t wait till next year when we smoke the defeatocrats!

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