Why Would John Still* Spy on Pat Stombaugh?

Filed in National by on September 20, 2007

Crazytown can’t stay out of the news.

All eyes on Smyrna mayor? Private detectives followed Stombaugh for 12 weeks

Smyrna Mayor Patricia A. Stombaugh is shown in front of her house on 25 Raphael Road.Delaware State News/Ali Cheeseman

By Ali Cheeseman, Delaware State NewsSMYRNA — Smyrna Mayor Patricia A. Stombaugh said she is considering legal action in connection with two for-hire private detectives who followed her this year for about 12 weeks between May and August.

The surveillance began May 25, less than a month after she was elected to her first term in office.

Matthew Rausch, of Clayton, and Gordon Bowers, of Lewes, were hired by an individual identified only as “DE50,” according to a 31-page document, which was faxed anonymously to the Delaware State News.

The documents include letterhead from Mr. Rausch’s firm, Tactical Protection Group, LLC and from Mr. Bower’s company, Atlantic Bureau of Investigations.

*NOTE: It may not be Still, but it is Smyrna and that means Schaeffer and where there is Schaeffer there is Still.

And oh, yeah…I love this…Tactical Protection Group, LLC and the  Atlantic Bureau of Investigations..oohhhh…tactical!!



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. superidaho.info » | September 28, 2007
  1. Disbelief says:

    These morons with GEDs put on some camo, call themselves “tactical”, and think of themselves as Rambo.

  2. Come on. John Still bashing is reaching a new low. If you know Mark Schaefer, you know no one controls him. He is a loose cannon. A smart guy, talented, but too in love with his own counsel.

  3. jason330 says:

    In my book John Still is guilty until proven innocent.

  4. Disbelief says:

    dave, what exactly are Schaefer’s talents?

  5. What was the result of the investigation, did it have any relevance to anything of a professional nature?

    Seems like a waste of time to me. I prefer to hear about her record as Mayor.