Around the Horn Friday: Don’t Make Me Tase You Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 21, 2007

This has been a fun week in blogging.  I give big kudos to Jason for Patriot Day.  Also, International Talk Like a Pirate Day was on Wednesday.  Add in a healthy serving of Protack/Levin and things get downright cheery.

Let’s start with Protack and the accusation by FSP that Protack may have violated campaign finance law for a third time in a row.  Bring out your trolls.  Here’s the best part, the Democratic primary appears to be productive, while the Republicans are destructive.  Delaware Dem followed on with pointing out just how deluded Mike’s comments are.

While I’m on the issue of Republican politics, Gazizza has a post about scrapple.  It seems an apt comparison to me.

DWA has a post about how the Republicans are trying to do for California politics, what they did for Texas politics.

On the other side, the Young Democrats are having a shindig on September 28th.  Should be fun and interesting.

And speaking of fun and interesting, Tommywonk has been busy this week with posts on Delmarva and their contempt for love of their customers.  And a follow-up post on the horrific practice of mountaintop removal.

The stories about Iraq keep flying.  Kavips has a post about the MoveOn ad calling out Patraeus.  If you had any question if there has been damage done to this country, read Kavips’ take on a retired Lt. Col. that is calling on the military to resist civilian orders.

Dana has a post on how the Republicans aren’t supporting the troops and are only supporting the President.

Hube and Nancy have both covered the events in Jena.  I know how happy Hube is to be paired with Nancy.

For a laugh, read David Andersons piece on the Constitution and watch how he contorts the facts to blame the Democrats for weakening it.

Ryan S has some empirical evidence of how dumb our college seniors are about civics.  Is there any wonder that there are so many Republicans in this country?  Delaware Dem shows us that it isn’t just the young that are uninformed in this country.

Joan Deaver is calling you to action over at Citizens for a Better Sussex.  What better reason the destroy a wetland then to put a road right through it?

One of the grand dames of progressive causes in Delaware has stepped down from her position on the Green Delaware steering committee.  Nancy has the story on Frieda Berryhill and a filled out version of her letter she wrote to WNJ.

In a less ceremonious departure, Fulcher has resigned from WDEL.  Mike Mattews has the scoop.

Also recently unemployed, Kilroy is looking for work.  So if your office is looking for the new creative way to spell the name of a product, I’ve got your man.  Seriously, though, good luck Kilroy.

Duffy is in a rut and trying to reassess whether or not he wants to continue to blog.  Looks like these days he could get a writing gig over at FSP if he wants it.  Who don’t they allow to write for them?  Snap out of it, man!

Mike Mahaffie reminds us that even when things suck, you can still find some beauty in the world.  And into Good and Evil reminds us that… well, I don’t know what the hell he is saying.  And if you are looking to be uplifted, KarmicJay warns you to stay away from Dayereh.

And speaking of downers, at least 73,390 Iraqis have been killed since we attacked them for oil.  It has also cost us the lives of 3,794 American soldiers (52 since the beginning of the month).


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  1. jason330 says:

    For a laugh, read David Andersons piece on the Constitution and watch how he contorts the facts to blame the Democrats for weakening it.

    When I read that BS – I decided to just ignore the utter nonsense about Democrats and praised him for being critical of Republicans (for once).

    I should have know better.

  2. I could not figure out how to post a comment on the Dem site but they couldn’t figure out how to spell my name so I think we are even.

    The comment they post on my views is not very accurate. I agree that the GOP will face problems in 2008 for the Iraq war but I never said the Dems would lose based on their inability to end the war. I did say the Dems would face some backlash against from within their own party.

    Emotion over acuracy is one way to offer a point but it falls short in many ways.

    Have a great day.

  3. For clarity, the posted bit on Frieda’s introduction was from the GreenDE archives, it is not current. The WNJ letter editing problem is, however, current.

  4. anon says:

    October 31, 2007
    Last day a registered voter may change his/her political party affiliation prior to the 2008 Presidential Primary. [Delaware]

  5. October 31, 2007
    Last day a registered voter may change his/her political party affiliation prior to the 2008 Presidential Primary. [Delaware]


    that sounds so soon.