hah, what a country

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 21, 2007

h/t mydd


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Cue wingnut to claim that the shootings at DSU could have been avereted if the students were more heavily armed in 5…4…3…2…

  2. cassandra m says:

    Do not feed the Conspiracy Theorists, please.

  3. donviti says:

    we are the theorists!!!

  4. kavips says:

    Conspiracy theorists?

    In an era of multiple threats, what is the definitive point where one crosses from threats to theory?

    Why is it sane to fear uneducated Saudi thugs, and not fear a conniving and slippery Vice President?

    Today answers to that question are in a flux. We have more to fear from losing our liberties, than we do losing property and lives to a terrorist attack……

    If History can give us an example, those post war citizens of East Germany had far more to fear from the Stazi secret police, than they did from American spies………

    Conspiracy theories have their place, particularly in Democracy. If they open our eyes, then perhaps a heighten level of observation, could prevent some future calamity.

    On September 10. 2001, one would be deemed mad to propose terrorists were plotting to slam passenger liners into America’s landmarks. Howls of tin foil would erupt from all sides. However, we now know that we had the evidence laid out before us. We had warnings. We had an imprisoned suspect.
    We just did not allow the conspiracy theory advocate inside all of us, to break out. Had speculation run rampant, had discussion of merit ensued, perhaps those security guards in Logan, Newark, and Dulles airports may have not allowed the unthinkable to happen….

    Compare that pre 9/11 lethargy, to the increased awareness of passengers on one December transatlantic flight, when Reid tried to light his shoes….. a different mind frame…a different outcome.

    Although it is still too early to take threats by aliens seriously, (unless they are currently feeding on hosts within the Blair House), for the public to be on point about a possible neocon takeover, can by the focus of attention, cause it to never happen…..

    Of course, on the other hand, if I were intent on taking over the US someday as “Da Man”, I would likewise, belittle all such talk as conspiracy, requiring a foil hat.