Host on the View not sure if the world is round

Filed in National by on September 21, 2007

I don’t know if this is liberal or conservative media or just plain unbelievable…

The View co-host Sherri Shephard told her other co-hosts that she does not believe in the theory of evolution. Whoopi Goldberg then asked her if she thought the world was flat. Here’s the transcript of the conversation that followed.
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Is the world flat?

SHERRI SHEPHERD: Is the world flat? (laughter)


SHEPHERD: …I Don’t know.

GOLDBERG: What do you think?

SHEPHERD: I… I never thought about it, Whoopi. Is the world flat? I never thought about it.

BARBARA WALTERS: You’ve never thought about whether the world was round or flat?

SHEPHERD: I tell you what I’ve thought about. How I’m going to feed my child-

WALTERS: Well you can do both.

SHEPERD: …how I’m going to take care of my family. The world, is the world flat has never entered into, like that has not been an important thing to me.

ELIZABETH HASSELBECK: You’ll teach your son, Jeffery, right?

SHEPHERD: If my son, Jeffery, asks me ‘is the world flat,’ I guess I would go…

JOY BEHAR: You know, didn’t some person already work this question out? I mean, why are we doing this again? (laughter, applause)

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hiding in the open

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  1. » Host on the View not sure if the world is round | September 21, 2007
  1. Von Cracker says:


    The conservative agenda of dumbing-down America seems to have some results…..

    Why don’t the TV folks fire this retard? The only show she should be on is as a guest on Springer…..or maybe the 700 club! 😉

  2. Delaware Dem says:


    Seriously, when we call the radical right stupid, idiotic and wholly ignorant, this is why.

    Because you people are stupid, idiotic and wholly ignorant. Of everything.

    A 2nd grader learns in school that the world is round.

    Personally, I would call social services and have little Jeffrey taken away from this Shepherd woman.

  3. David says:

    Umm . . . she’s right. The world is not round. It is an oblate spheroid.

  4. Disbelief says:

    David, try that crap with your wife. “Honey, does this bra make my breasts look round?”
    “No, honey; they appear to be oblate spheriods.”

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