Is race the reason Delaware won’t play Delaware State?

Filed in National by on September 21, 2007

The University of Delaware’s persistent refusal to face Delaware State University in football is cowardly, pig-headed, self-righteous and, worst of all, oozing with racism.

This is on Espn Page2 people! Wooohoooo Delaware is in the news for Racism!!! High Five!

h/t VonCracker

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Nice work from Pearlman.

    I’m certain you’re curious what Johnson and Delaware coach K.C. Keeler have to say about all this. So am I. Unlike the men of Delaware State, however, nobody from Delaware had the guts or principle to express himself, despite my requests for interviews.

    I like Keeler. He has the juice now to fix this crap. He needs to step up.

  2. Disbelief says:

    UD vs. DSU would be the Delaware version of Auburn vs. Alabama. I’m amazed that the State Chamber of Commerce isn’t all over promoting this.

    What I’ve heard (vicious rumor only) is that UD is very scared that DSU would become the bigger draw for talent, soon eclipsing UD on the field. I heard this is one of the reasons why the current state administration (or lack thereof) is amenable to pressure from UD to NOT give DSU nicer facilities.

  3. RickJ says:

    The timing of this article couldn’t be worse, for while DSU students and grads would love for this game to take place, they have bigger concerns today.

  4. David says:

    RickJ, what the hell are u talking about?

  5. David says:

    Oops, I see now. Regardless of the shooting or not, they should play.

  6. watcher in the skies says:

    Usually when bait is taken this fast, the taker is scaled, gutted and filleted by now. Jeff Pearlman is a pathetic little wanker who’s been trying to stir up a name for himself again ever since quoting John Rocker’s comments about New Yorkers many years ago. His last lame attempt was a book about Barry Bonds — unfortunately, one that came out at the same time a couple of San Francisco reporters were committing actual journalism on the subject. You can find it in remainder bins, if it hasn’t been pulped yet. I remember him from the University of Delaware, where he was most famous for his column in the student paper in defense of virginity. Can someone introduce him to Christine O’Donnell, please?

  7. jason330 says:

    So Pearlman is a putz. I’ll take your word for it.

    What about the game?

  8. donviti says:

    pearlman = putz
