Putting the Rude in Rudy

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 22, 2007

Yesterday, while making a speech to the NRA, Rudy took a cell phone call from his wife.  Perhaps this was theater, but I have a strict rule that if you are in a job interview and your wife calls, let it ring.  Better yet, turn it off before you enter the interview.  Anything less is rude.  I do make exceptions if your wife is pregnant, or dying, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.  Sorry, Rudy, you’re fired.

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  1. Dave says:

    Now the question is was it his existing wife? Or his first wife or his second wife? Or ….

  2. jason330 says:

    Was his current wife checking on his “I’ll be at the NRA meeting” excuse for being out of town?

  3. kavips says:

    I like it. It’s different. After all it was only the NRA…..

    Let’s see….breech of etiquette on one hand, messy third divorce in middle of campaign on the other hand.

    Hmmm. I’d do the same…….

    I hope he as a long and prosperous campaign because I see now he will bring us the most fun…..

  4. Wierd. Maybe he forgot to turn it off.