One Investigative Story in Three Years

Filed in National by on September 23, 2007

The Political editor of the News Journal can’t find his ass with both hands, so he is still trying to suck some juice out of his paper’s one investigative report in the past three years.

How pitiful is this?

Hey Williams– I have a story idea for you. It is an exposé about a so-called “news” paper that is in the pocket of Delaware’s Congressional delegation.

Here is a timely reminder of Williams’ normal (less than) half-assedness.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    Yet the public has no way of knowing which Delaware lawmakers and administrators offered the festivities at Dover Downs. That’s because Delaware law doesn’t require lobbyists to identify officials they are courting if they report the cost as $50 per person or less.


    The $7,300 affair was paid for by cable industry lobbyist Wayne O’Dell,

    Hmmm… Let’s do a little math…

    To meet the reporting requirements, lobbyists have to invite enough people to get the cost below $50.

    If the party costs $7300, they are sending out at least 146 invitations.

    And not everybody invited goes to the affair. That means there are a lot of extra invitations floating around… Get my drift?

    This is a job for Mike Matthews.

  2. Frank says:

    It’s a Gannett newspaper. What do you expect?

  3. jason330 says:


    I wonder why the NJ stopped short of putting 2 and 2 together?


  4. jim center says:

    Talk about failing to investigate, I gave you a story almost two months ago about DE electronic voting machines being DQ’d in California. WHY haven’t YOU followed up on that?

  5. jason330 says:


    Start your own blog if you think it is so easy.

  6. jim center says:

    Thanks for the Faux news non-reply. You already have a blog, what’s hard about posting my note, asking people, even if you won’t, to verify my facts are correct and see if anyone else raises a stink?
    How else does a MOVEMENT get started? People hear something, they finally figure out it is true and they try to figure out what to do about it. That’s Democracy!