Archive for September, 2007

More Greenspan

Filed in National by on September 15, 2007 4 Comments

Advance review copies are getting out and by all accounts it is going to be a hell of a book. Alan Greenspan claims Iraq war was really for oil AMERICA’s elder statesman of finance, Alan Greenspan, has shaken the White House by declaring that the prime motive for the war in Iraq was oil. In […]

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Open Letter to Joe Biden: Don’t be a dummy.

Filed in National by on September 15, 2007 2 Comments

[youtube=] Dear Joe, I just watched the video. You sounded good – it all makes sense to me, but I have a question. Who are you talking to? Who is the intended audience for that thing? In Mike Castle, you have one of the biggest Bush enablers in the country right here in Delaware. Was […]

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“possum” has his fans at kos (for what it’s worth)

Filed in National by on September 15, 2007 3 Comments
“possum” has his fans at kos (for what it’s worth)

To some extent daily kos acts a kind of “my space” where people find some connection to the wider world in a community of (for the most part) sympatico fellow travelers. Of course its main job is as a clearing house for left of center news, oposition research, and electoral “best practices” – but this […]

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Lazy Saturday: My Email to Allan Loudell

Filed in National by on September 15, 2007 0 Comments

Unlike Kavips, I’m not impressed by Castle’s promise to be angry at Bush if he bombs Iran. C’mon Kavips – don’t be a chump. If Bush says that it was really, really, important to bomb Iran, Castle will be right there with him. Anyway – Kavips prompted me to write this. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Allan – Are […]

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Bank Panic in Britain & Greenspan Recants

Filed in National by on September 15, 2007 7 Comments

As you read this please keep in mind that the economy is “great.” Northern Rock customers withdraw £1bn By Harry Wallop, Consumer Affairs Correspondent – via kos diarist Magnifico About £1 billion was withdrawn by panicking Northern Rock customers on Friday, as fears for the bank’s future sent shock waves through the City and caused […]

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Cohenology 101: The Wet Sloppy Kiss

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007 8 Comments

Remember, class, how I broke down Celia Cohen’s Mike Castle writings into for categories with the third being the wet sloppy kiss? I said that the wet sloppy kisses, “extol Castle’s greatness in no uncertain terms. They tend to deal with some specific pork or accomplishment (even when the “accomplishment is not really an accomplishment. […]

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Biden Gets a Free Pass: Republicans to Sit Out Senate Race

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007 5 Comments

I’m  reading the tea leaves over at kos… “…the NRSC doesn’t just face a terrible map and terrible candidate recruitment, but also a disastrous fundraising deficit. As of the last quarter, the DSCC already has a $14 million advantage, and that disparity has consistently grown each month.” …and I just have a gut feeling that […]

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Note to MSM: Parroting Bush Talking Points = Ratings Poison.

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007 4 Comments
Note to MSM: Parroting Bush Talking Points = Ratings Poison.

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Bush’s audience last night…

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007 1 Comment
Bush’s audience last night…


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Program Note

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007 4 Comments

Tom Noyes is going to be talking Wind Power with Loudell on WDEL tonight at 5:30  5:24 Go on with your bad self Mr. Popularity!

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Who is your next President

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 14, 2007 13 Comments
Who is your next President

This Patriot was my choice Don’t forget to choose Low, Medium or High as your importance. H/T to a Pa Hottie…

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The Sad Death of First State Politics

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007 26 Comments

I could see this coming for a while, but with Dave giving time to real nitwits who are the proud 12 percenters who think George Bush is doing a good great job, I think FSP is dead. Dave has recently gone off the deep end and Randy does not post enough to balance the puerile […]

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Tracking Poll Thursday Results Tread: Lt. Governor

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007 17 Comments
Tracking Poll Thursday Results Tread: Lt. Governor

The auto-shut off is not working on poll daddy – but I think these results give us a good baseline. If the election was being held today, who would vote for to be the next Lt. Governor of Delaware? Ted Blunt 38% (27 votes) Colin Bonini 7% (5 votes) Matt Denn 32% (23 votes) Hube […]

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