Archive for September, 2007

On a slightly lighter note…

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007 9 Comments

Check out that new song “I’m From Delaware, Man” over here ——–> It is a crack up. I’m trying to find the singer/songwriter. If anyone knows any thing let me know. Thanks M & David. It is Todd Chappelle Here is a link to his myspace page.  I really liked “San Diego” ———————————————————————————-

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Dragnet style: Just the facts boys

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 14, 2007 2 Comments

Fast and Loose he is But that commie rag called him out on it. Lie: sharing oil revenues with the provinces” and allowing “former Baathists to rejoin Iraq’s military or receive government pensions.” Fact: his statement ignored the fact that U.S. officials have been frustrated that none of those actions have been enshrined into law — […]

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Conspiracy Theory

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 14, 2007 8 Comments

So, here is a question:  The Republicans can’t attach themselves to this war and expect to win in 2008, is this stance by Bush the opening they need to “break away” from the President and look like “mavericks”? I just can’t believe that he is going to get away with saying he is bringing the […]

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Around the Horn Friday: Counterfeit Disgust Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 14, 2007 5 Comments

Well, it has been 6 years since September 11th, 2001. Never before had I seen a united country like we were that week. And never have I seen an event perverted for political purposes on that scale either. Jason put quite a fine point on the issue this week with a post that sparked quite […]

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“No timeline, no money. No Excuses.”

Filed in National by on September 14, 2007 2 Comments

[youtube=] Congress does have the power to end the war. If Delaware had a rep in Congress (which we don’t) I’d expect him/her to break with George Bush.

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Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 3 Comments

Biden is Going off on Bush on MSNBC right now Bush mentioned 36 countries helping us, Biden said he has no idea what the President is talking about. Matthews asked Huckabee what he thought of the speech:  I think he gave a pretty honest assesment, the surge is working…the troops tell me it’s working.  Wow.  the […]

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Live scare tactic blogging

Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 5 Comments

Lets see if I can live blog all the “buzz” words Chimpy will use tonight… Free Nation Iraq terrorist extremist anbar province good example

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John Boehner: An Honest Republican

Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 0 Comments

Here is Mike Castle’s buddy [a man who came to Delaware to campaign for Castle] speaking about how our troops in Iraq are so much human lumber and the waste of a few thousand is no big deal. [youtube=] Via Media Matters: BLITZER: How much longer will U.S. taxpayers have to shell out $2 billion […]

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The Difference Between Barack Obama and Mike Castle

Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 0 Comments

First Barack Obama: “We should not wait until George Bush is out of office to start bringing this war to a close,” said Obama. “I believe that Congress should not and must not give George Bush a blank check. I believe Congress should impose a timetable and some constraints.” Now Mike Castle: “I will vote […]

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Over/Under tonight

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 13, 2007 8 Comments

Anyone want some action on tonight?  Even money on the over/under and 2 to 1 if you guess the exact number.  I’ll buy you a beer at the next Drinking liberally, no vig either 🙂 Over/Under He Mentions AQ without saying AQ in Iraq = 5 Mentions Iran = 4 (Or it’s leader I will accept […]

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Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 1 Comment


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This is what I call political capital baby!

Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 3 Comments
This is what I call political capital baby!

It doesn’t get any better this!

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Chris Dodd Lays it Down

Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 0 Comments

Re “progress” in Iraq “Moving us in 10 months to where we were 10 months ago is not progress. It is the very definition of status quo. “Not only is the President not offering us anything new; he’s insulting our intelligence. “Despite the fact that his top General is unable to say that the war […]

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