Archive for September, 2007

See what happens

Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 0 Comments
See what happens

I liken this this…. To this: [youtube=] Only the dad in this case is:

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Levin’s Lethargy Worries Wingnuts

Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 8 Comments

Tired of “Happy” Al Levin’s wishy-washy inability to committ to running for Governor – some downstate wingnuts seek to force his hand. Bob Lawless of Ocean View has created an online petition to help convince Alan Levin to run for Governor. If you believe as I do that Alan Levin should be on the ballot […]

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Mike Castle Gets Some National Attention/Sucker Bet Anyone?

Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 0 Comments

This Washington Post Story is getting a lot of play all over the place. Moderate Republicans Hold The Keys On Iraq Washington — Democratic leaders in Congress have decided to shift course and pursue modest bipartisan measures to alter U.S. military strategy in Iraq, hoping to use incremental changes instead of aggressive legislation to break […]

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And now a word from your pResident…

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 13, 2007 0 Comments

“And so, in my State of the-my State of the Union-or state-my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation-I asked Americans to give four thousand years-four thousand hours over the next-the rest of your life-of service to America.  That’s what I asked-four thousand hours.” Bridgeport, Ct; 4/9/2002

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Anyone heard from the

Filed in National by on September 13, 2007 0 Comments

Terrorism Czar lately?   just sayin….

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Ho-Hum… More BushCo Lies

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 13, 2007 5 Comments

Remember the big arrest in Germany of terrorists?  Well, the good news is that they are still terrorists, not some foreigner in the wrong place at the wrong time.  But now, the Director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell has withdrawn his statement about the role of the new anti-constitution “Screw Protect America Act.”  Initially McConnell […]

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Let’s just say that I’m glad I’m not trying to sell a house right now…

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 0 Comments

via bonddad’s diary. Washington Mutual (WM) dropped 3% after CEO Kerry Killinger said at a Lehman Brothers conference in New York that the housing industry is headed for a “near perfect storm.” He said the lender, which has already boosted its provision for loan losses this year, may have to sock away an added $500 […]

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NYT Soldier Op-Ed Writers: Two of Seven Dead

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 12, 2007 0 Comments

I am sorry to relay that 2 of the 7 soldiers that authored the NYT piece that I highlighted last month were reported killed yesterday when their cargo truck rolled over, killing Sgt. Omar Mora and Sgt. Yance T. Gray.

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A Tidy History

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 0 Comments

Read Tommywonk on why the idea of a primary (any primary) wigs out the old farts.

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It has been a week of malaise (and it is only Wednesday)

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 3 Comments

I was going to blog on the Freebery/Gordon stuff but commenter Art Downs does an okay job. – Jason Delaware politics seems to be venality blended with apathy and inbreeding. New Castle County has a County Government that is a halfway house that precedes prison. With the right judges, one can beat the rap. Powerful […]

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Time is on our side

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 2 Comments

I don’t know why I sweat the politics thing so much. It looks like Republicans are mostly* going to die off as a species over the next twenty years. The GOP is getting older. Somewhat dramatically older. This is not good news. (sic) We already know that we are struggling with younger voters. Here is […]

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Calling Mike Castle: Voter Sentiment Unchanged

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 12 Comments

Three new surveys released immediately prior to the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and the progress reports of Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker show that the country’s political environment remains essentially unchanged – bad news for the White House and congressional Republicans. Most important to the current moment, attitudes on Iraq are unmoved and […]

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More liberal media bias

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 12, 2007 6 Comments

Here is more proof that the right is right when it comes to liberal bias.  I honestly am beginning to think there really is a liberal media bias.  You just can’t argue with these facts.  Sixty percent of the nation’s daily newspapers print more conservative syndicated columnists every week than progressive syndicated columnists. Only 20 […]

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