Archive for September, 2007

Bank of America Puts Nursing Mothers in the closet

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 4 Comments

My sources are providing me with more juicy news.  It appears that Bank of America is rolling back the clock when it comes to fair treatment of its’ female employees. MBNA provided nursing mothers an actual nursing room that was in an actual nurse’s office.  Bank of America ended that “perk”.  The room now is […]

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Patreaus (aka Betray us) wasn’t sweared in

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 12, 2007 1 Comment

Jesus Christ!!! This is just unreal h/t suburban g again!

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Look, I know Republicans are pissed off about this war.

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 4 Comments

I like Dave.  I have Republican friends. I just happen to think we need some honest accounting of all the mistakes and outright crimes that have been committed. I know why that honest accounting is probably impossible.  I know that someone like Mike Castle shrinks away from an honest accounting because it would put him […]

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Bank of America (the people’s bank)

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 12, 2007 3 Comments

Here is the latest from that great institution that took over for that other great institution that in hindsight, was a pretty great institution for the community (in comparison)  They now charge employees $15 a month to use their own gym. And in breaking news: The CEO for BofA will earn 1.5 million a year in […]

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I honestly can’t think of better symbolism

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 6 Comments

You know it’s funny.  Delaware liberal had a 9/11 post yesterday that had over 50 comments. There was debate on both sides.  While some might not have liked the comments spirited opinions were flying left and right.  No one was silenced nor can I imagine will ever be short of threatening a life.  Our Republican buddies (term used […]

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Biden on Iraq

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 1 Comment

Why can’t Joe just send a simple email once in a while?  How much would that cost him? It is always fundraising, fundraising, fundraising.  Now he is just back from Iraq and I (foolishly) was expecting a real email. Oh Well.

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I just don’t know why my anger got the best of me yesterday…

Filed in National by on September 12, 2007 0 Comments

with good news like this streaming in… Afghanistan’s Karzai urges Taliban to negotiate KABUL – Afghan President Hamid Karzai urged his Islamist Taliban foes to negotiate peace on Tuesday, the sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks. (snip) “For the security and prosperity of the Afghan people, in order to be freed from al Qaeda […]

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Just watch this crap

Filed in National by on September 11, 2007 7 Comments

[youtube=] No safer. What’s the point then? Oh yeah, I remember 9/11…9/11…9/11… Flag…Flag…Flag…”these colors don’t run!” and the USA is number ONE!!!

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Patreaus Commits Perjury

Filed in National by on September 11, 2007 5 Comments

…but I’m the one who hates America. NEWSWEEK has learned that a separate internal report being prepared by a Pentagon working group will “differ substantially” from Petraeus’s recommendations, according to an official who is privy to the ongoing discussions but would speak about them only on condition of anonymity. I find myself thinking, yet again, […]

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Meanwhile back at the ranch

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 11, 2007 0 Comments

Private insurance companies participating in Medicare have been allowed to keep tens of millions of dollars that should have gone to consumers, and the Bush administration did not properly audit the companies or try to recover money paid in error, Congressional investigators say in a new report. In separate action, the Bush administration is vigorously […]

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Breaking news!!!!

Filed in National by on September 11, 2007 2 Comments

they found the WMD’s in Iraq!!!! The reason we went to war was apparently not a lie people.  Jesus christ!  this is huge!!!!

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Seems like only yesterday we were attacked by those Saudi Arabian citizens

Filed in National by on September 11, 2007 0 Comments


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Well I’ve been banned at FSP

Filed in National by on September 11, 2007 20 Comments

They can’t take the truth. for the record here is my response to Frank’s bullshit post on 9/11 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank your post is nothing but hollow rhetoric. You are using today to hide your guilt for allowing what came next. Yes. guilt. We are all guilty and you know it. So, sorry bub – no […]

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