Archive for September, 2007

Cohenology 101: In Praise of My Fellow Cohenologists

Filed in National by on September 11, 2007 12 Comments

I hereby confer the rank of Doctor of Cohenology on Delaware Dem. Here is a taste… The envy of the Democrats’ situation (when talking primaries) is clear when compared to that of the Republicans’. And Rovian politics dictates that you do not attack your opponent’s weakness, but rather you attack his strength to hide your […]

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Filed in National by on September 11, 2007 54 Comments

The criminals who did this… …were from here. And the criminals responsible for this… …were from here. You and I have Iraqi blood on our hands.

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Simply the best Markell vs. Carney reporting so far

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 5 Comments

Of course it is Tom. Link to tommywonk

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Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 2 Comments

Stop Mike Castle and expose his fraudulent anti-war stance. [youtube=] What ever else it true, the only real anti-war position is a vote against any bill that does not contain a mandatory withdraw. Because any such bill, by definition, will have no effect other than to ensure the war continues. – Greenwald Sign the petition. […]

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Comment Rescue: Good Question Edition

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 4 Comments

David Says: Quick question: If you are a general and the President orders you to say the surge is working, do you have to? I guess if the President is ordering you to lie you could do the honorable thing and step down rather than lie. In the case before us, I don’t “honor” very […]

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File this one under: Who knew? besides Hube that is

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 4 Comments

I had no idea of the occasional shoddy treatment — of gay superheroes in mainstream comic books.

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The surge is working

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 3 Comments

Iraq ‘surge’ working, Petraeus tells Congress” in related news: Seven U.S. troops were killed near Baghdad early Monday in a vehicle rollover accident, U.S. officials said. The U.S. military also said that a Task Force Lightning soldier died Sunday from injuries caused by rocket fire during a patrol in the northern Tameem province The number […]

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If you disagree with Mike Castle you are not a true Delawarean

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 6 Comments

Delaware Dem has a good response to Dave Burris and Mike Castle who think that anyone who thinks Castle should break with George Bush is an “outsider.” Castle said the anti-war group targeting him over the summer included young, paid “outsiders” with political backgrounds. His constituents, he said, have been more “balanced in their approach.” […]

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The New Potemkin Village

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 10, 2007 1 Comment

See more proof the Surge is working We just give the shopkeepers some money to stay open. The military calls them grants,  but my family calls them bribes. But the Dora market has not regained its former cachet as one of southeastern Baghdad’s most vibrant commercial centers. Before the invasion, many of its stores stayed […]

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I couldn’t agree more!

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 0 Comments

We should all look forward to the day when Americans can enjoy the same God-given freedom to walk around naturally just like many Africans do. But until that day arrives, we can still enjoy some of that liberty in nude and topless bars. One medal of freedom for this writer!!

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The collapsing GOP

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 1 Comment

While the 2008 elections are still more than a year away, Democrats appear well-positioned to score additional gains in the Senateh ruh-roh… At the moment, and despite Congressional job-approval poll numbers, Democrats appear more likely to take advantage of the public’s dissatisfaction with the direction of the country and the electorate’s desire for change. Obviously, […]

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UPDATED: My morning call to Mike Castle’s office

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 14 Comments

More Evidence that Castle is Running Scared: Have you ever heard of the DE GOP leaking it’s internal polling for the expressed purposes or propping up Mike Castle? Me neither. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Having fired Elizabeth Wenk, for what one can only assume was gross incompetence, Mike Castle has installed a new mouthpiece named Kate Dickens. I […]

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Mike Castle, a Dithering Loser? You make the call…

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007 3 Comments

Can anyone make anything out of the Castle’s hemming and hawing in today’s News Journal? The only clear point is that Mike Castle is not going to vote for withdrawal because liberals want him too. And that point was made by blogger/SC GOP chair and Castle guru, Dave Burris. Here is the classic “yes, but […]

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