Archive for September, 2007

On this day in Delawareliberal history

Filed in National by on September 2, 2007 9 Comments

For old times sake… Around the Horn Friday: The DELAWARE BLOGOPHERE MOVIE Edition JL Miller at the NJ is doing a “Delaware Bloggers” story. I don’t know when when it is coming out – but when it does I expect it will be turned into a best selling paperback and the movie rights will go […]

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Three years ago next Friday

Filed in National by on September 1, 2007 7 Comments

The famous quote:  “We are more secure today than we were two years ago. The Taliban no longer rules Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein is no longer terrorizing the world or his own people.” – Michael Castle September 7, 2004 Of Course George Bush was the shit back then, so no wonder Mike Castle was jumping […]

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