The Gop Hearts Children

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 2, 2007

“If the president vetoes this bill, he will be vetoing health care for almost 4 million children, and he will be putting ideology — not children — first,” Sen. Hillary Clinton

But Sen. Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, wasn’t buying that argument.

“This is a perfect example of the type of partisan politics that goes on in Washington all the time,” he told CNN. “It’s not about trying to take care of the children; it’s about how can we get a political advantage.”

Lott added, “Do you really believe Republicans don’t want to help poor, low-income children?”

h/t Phantom

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hiding in the open

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  1. Disbelief says:

    Didn’t Tom DeLay help out native American children? Praise Jesus.

  2. David says:

    Maybe if children prayed more, they wouldn’t need health insurance. Praise Jesus.

  3. donviti says:

    Pray to Jesus, not the catholic jesus either, the christian one. Only that fucker gets you into heaven….

  4. Phantom says:

    If the question is do I believe the GOP does not want to help poor, low income children then I think the answer is an emphatic YES. I mean they do not want to help any low income American (other than to send them into the military to fight for pennies on the dollar compared to thier private contractor buddies). I mean that defeats the whole purpose of trickle down econ and the premise that capitalism is built on hard work gaming the system or being born into a priveleged wealthy family. Thank you Senator Lott for saying what so many other conservatives don’t have the guts to say out loud.

  5. Chris says:

    “Pray to Jesus, not the catholic jesus either, the christian one. Only that fucker gets you into heaven….”

    And yet you claim you go to church. Try washing your mouth out before you do next time.

  6. If this bill were about helping poor children it would not be expanding the program to people already covered at the expense of the uncovered. It is democrat gamesmanship at its worse; we win and the people lose.

  7. Dana Garrett says:

    “If this bill were about helping poor children it would not be expanding the program to people already covered at the expense of the uncovered.”

    If the (some) Republican’s contempt for helping children weren’t behind the president’s veto, no one would have to tell this already refuted lie that you just repeated.

  8. donviti says:

    honestly David A, it is amazing the garbage that comes out of your mouth.

  9. donviti says:

    Why Chris,

    I was talking about the Christian Jesus. I go Catholic church and pray to the Catholic Jesus.

    that is the fucker that is getting me into heaven.

    I just go to confession once a year, say a few hail mary’s, throw in an our father and whammoo, I get into heaven again.

    See you at my daughters confirmation sunday!

  10. Phantom says:

    I just love how none of the conservatives can comment on Trent Lott’s observation that they don’t want to help poor, low income children. It is amazing that Mr. Lott can accept this bigoted reality and the other conservatives just try to avoid the issue. I guess that may be because it is EXTREMELY POPULAR with the public and if the conservative truth came out they would be banished from american politics until they would be able to see the light.

  11. Rebecca says:

    We need to override the veto but that’s not going to happen. Because, as Senator Carper explained on Monday, Dick the Dick sits in on the Republican caucus and scares the begeebers out of them every Tuesday and Thursday. I’d be scared too – he’s been known to shoot his friends.

  12. Rebecca says:

    Oh, it’s also widely held that Dick scares the begeebers out of the President too.

  13. Phantom says:

    Wouldn’t you be scared of the undead? I mean come on, who survive that many “heart” issues and still keeps going, ie the undead. Just look at his change of “heart” on Iraq or his policy against gay marriage. That should display that he lost his soul and sold it to hell. That would scare me too. Now that I think about it and how much power he has it just plain scares me.

  14. Anon II says:

    ‘We need to override the veto but that’s not going to happen. Because, as Senator Carper explained…’ nuff said.