I’m speechless….

Filed in National by on October 3, 2007

No doubt this is one of those liberal school’s!!!

Over 100 sixth graders at Grover Cleveland Middle School in Caldwell spent several days last week taking part in an assignment where they used terms like “build a plantation” while completing their “Lap of Luxury” social studies project.

The project instructed students to create an advertisement defending the use of slave labor to run a newly built plantation in South Carolina. Students are told to come up with a ‘”catchy” name for the plantation and give three reasons why slave labor is the “best idea” and to add illustrations.

Seriously, I’m cracking up right now. Could you even imagine?!

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hiding in the open

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  1. Anon II says:

    WTF……were is Caulwell? This is an outrage!Anyone have any doubts left about institutional rascim?

  2. Chris says:

    Actually, we will probably find that these ARE a couple of misguided libbies with about as much ability to illustrate absurdity with the absurd as Jace boy does.

    Regardless of their true bent, it is dumb. Plain and simple.

    On a related note, where do you free-speech libbies stand on this story. It is on the removal of a dixie flag someone hung at a school in NJ. Good for them right? How about the fact that the Dixie flag was hanging next to the Union flag in a display about the history of the Civil War? Thank GOD the PC police are on the case! Its obvious the historians are blatant racists for including that!