Simple Facts

Filed in National by on October 3, 2007

Many people who keep track of these things regard this as the best political ad from and of the candidates so far. I have to agree.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. M. Opaliski says:

    Do those people who track this stuff know that Bush isn’t running, and that we’re already in Iraq ?

    It might have been a good ad pre war if you’re drinking the Kool-Aid but today it’s just an archive …

  2. I like it. It is good. I found it compelling and captivating. Like Mike O. though I have to ask wouldn’t that have been a better add for 2004? Bush isn’t running. Now he could use it against Edwards, Clinton, and Biden because they supported the war and he didn’t. It is the one flaw. Will it get him votes?

    If he keeps making them this good, he is bound to find one that works.

    BTW I am writing as an analyst not giving my opinion on the merits of the argument.