What I’m Reading

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 6, 2007

13985724.jpg  I’ve read a couple of this guys’ books and they are pretty darn good.  They are definitely “Da’ Vinci Code” type novels.  In my opinion they are better though.  The format is exactly the same.  Real time, 3 page chapters that keep you ripping through.  I read 100 pages in an about 90 minutes last night.  The book sucks you in. 

Through in the Pope, Rome, Papal Secrecy and you have me hooked. 

3 pizza’s out of 4!

Pick up his other books too.  They are awesome as well. 


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hiding in the open

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  1. Chris says:

    “I read 100 pages in an about 90 minutes last night. The book sucks you in. ”

    And with your lips moving too. I guess its not that crazy for Bush to do.

  2. donviti says:

    yes chris and I didn’t read last night or the night before that.

    so in order for me to accomplish what bush said he did I would have to read 300 pages or roughly for 3 hours.

    so yet again you are wrong….

  3. Chris says:

    “yes chris and I didn’t read last night or the night before that.”

    And we all know that if the great DV didn’t read, neither did the rest of the world. Weak argument man.

  4. donviti says:

    right back at ya chrissy.

    My point being there is no way the President reads every night. So if he misses a night he would have to play catch up.