Open Government or Open-ish Government?
First, glance at this list.
Steven H. Amick SD10
Colin R. J. Bonini SD16
Catherine L. Cloutier SD5
Dorinda A. “Dori” Connor SD12
Charles L. Copeland SD4
F. Gary Simpson SD18
Liane M. Sorenson SD6
John C. Still SD666
So, like other Dave Burris coached candidates, Joanne Christian wants to join this dysfunction family in order to push for “open government.”
Now a quick question. Does anybody honestly think that the Republican caucus would really be for “open” government if they thought real open government was a possibility?
I have to tell you, I don’t.
Editor’s Note 1: This isn’t a Joanne Christian post. I still don’t know squat about where she stands on ANYTHING.
Editor’s Note 2: Yes, some Democrats are frauds and losers. No need to mention that unless you agree that the R caucus is full of crap on “open government” but just hate to admit it.
You will see how “full of crap” the Republicans in the Senate are in January.
I know you need an angle on this race, and since we have the better candidate, it’ll be hard.
I’m not sorry about that.
Still swinging a hammer to your balls anytime the word “Republican” enters your brain, J?
Jesus, Jason, you have nothing here.
Instead of beating up the Repubs, why aren’t you MAD AS HELL because our party isn’t out in the lead on this matter? Why aren’t you embarrassed and humiliated because our state party and its leadership are letting us get beat up & humiliated by the Repubs on WHAT SHOULD BE **OUR** SIGNATURE ISSUE?
You don’t do our party one bit of good by displacing your frustration w/ its leadership and lack of principle regarding open govt onto the Repubs.
Keep your focus, man. This isn’t about them. It’s about us.
Prince ‘Lil Johnny Still’s Senate district explains a lot. For one, why he wears those two-tone penny loafers. Somebody please tell him they were a joke gift.
Why aren’t you embarrassed and humiliated…
Who says I’m not? It is a constant for any thinking Dem to be embarrassed and humiliated.
I just don’t think the Senate R’s are the white knights that Dave makes them out to be.
Like Dave says – We’ll see in Jan.
If Still is royalty (he thinks so, just ask him if he’ll deign to speak to you), and his Senate District is 666, does that make him Prince of Where the Sun Don’t Shine?
That was for you Dis.
If Still ran Hell like he used to run the State GOP, there’d be nobody there.
Has Christian taken the open-government pledge yet?
Has the Republican caucus renewed the pledge they so boldly made last election season, or have they backed off some of its points?
Take another look at the Republican pledge. There seems to be plenty of wiggle room for leaving the desk drawer fully operational in Republican hands.
The desk drawer veto will be the first thing to go. I guarantee it.
As far as Christian is concerned, she operates under FOIA now on the school board, so it’s not much of a stretch.
Keep trying.
And there is precedent for Republicans taking over a legislative body and throwing out the desk-drawer veto. The House Republicans in Dover did it 25 years ago.
I guarantee it.
That’s welcome, but we need to hear it from the candidate.
Give us a break, Dave. When Ms. Christian was interviewed by Allen Loudell it was quite clear that she has no strong feelings about anything concerning the General Assembly. You guys can stuff her full of any positions you want and that won’t change.
The other thing that won’t change is keeping bills away from a floor vote when it behooves leadership. Just ask Terry Spence about Bob Valihura’s unwillingness to bring the manufactured housing legislation to a vote. Who needs a desk drawer?
Al, you’re entitled to your opinion, but you’re wrong. She may have been a little taken aback by Allan calling her “Dr.” Christian a number of times when she’s not one, but anyone who’s ever met this woman knows that all she has are strong feelings. You don’t do all she’s done without strength.
“The other thing that won’t change is keeping bills away from a floor vote when it behooves leadership.”
Again, entitled but wrong. But you’ll have to wait for the January session to see why.
The Republicans passed Open Government in the House last session. Except . . . wait for it . . . they amended the bill so they can take a vote at the beginning of any meeting to exempt that meeting. First thing on every agenda? Vote to exempt.
We need SB04 with caucuses excluded and some sort of protection of constituents privacy. And there are Democrats who have been working on this for five years.
I don’t care how “strong” she is, Dave. She told Allen she showed up at the meeting with the intent of working on someone else’s campaign and wound up drafted for the job. So if you’re going to start talking about who’s “wrong,” it’s looking like you.
By the way, none of this means I wouldn’t vote for her. Ennis is Vaughn Lite. Christian would have my vote. John Feroce’s dog would have my vote.
Any meeting where tax dollars are being spent or debated should be open to the public, period.