Ennis v. Christian – Let’s get real for a second.

Filed in National by on October 9, 2007

I’ve taken some shit over at FSP and that is okay. It brings me to this post. 

An abiding faith in patronage and cronyism don’t translate into great web copy, so expect Ennis to keep his agenda on the DL while playing up his door to door retail experience.   E.g  “Remember when I helped your cousin out with his little problem last year?”

Christian is a Dave Burris product, so she’ll be for all of those things that the newbie Dems in the district are for – bike paths, “open government”,  wind power.   Her agenda will be more progressive than Ennis and that is a stone cold fact.

 So how does it shake out? 

Vaughn trounced Feroce BY DOING NOTHING.   Listen up, the old school dems in that district LIKE  patronage and cronyism.  After all, why should all the benefits of knowing people who know people accrue only to Republicans?

Bottom Line: Burris can make this one closer based on the fact that at least some people know of Christian and other Dems are new to the area.   Can those new Dems put her over the top?


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    The bottom line is that I, as a Delaware taxpayer, would rather have Ennis in the Legislature. Bruce is one of the good ones. Now if Christian was better, it would be a different story. But she apparently is just a pretty face with a clean background thrown out there to see how many flies she can attract (to mix a metaphor).

    As I’ve said before, its not about party loyalty. Its about getting the best public service for our vote. And Bruce has been one of the best.

  2. fsp says:

    Fear. Me likey.

  3. fsp says:

    And Dis, that is the argument John Atkins used — constituent service.

  4. Al Mascitti says:

    Sorry, Dis, but I see nothing to distinguish him as anything but a back-bencher, a time-server, someone who’s getting this job because “it’s his turn.” Maybe he is “one of the best,” but he’s doing service for the worst practices of the Delaware Democratic Party.

  5. Arthur Downs says:

    Politics dominated by cronyism and graft may be the rule in New Castle County but should principle mean more than patronage and family connections?

    Is the public served or serviced by far too many of our elected officials?

    Is there a place for principles, issues that will motivate a greater citizen participation or must narrow interests come first?