A Second Look at Ennis

Filed in National by on October 11, 2007

 As I’ve looked into this special election I have found that there are many good reasons to vote for Bruce Ennis. But one of the best is the fact that his opponent is a Republican.

To be a Republican nowadays is to gladly associate yourself with a party run by most vile sort of morally diseased vermin that has ever existed in the history of the universe. (see below)

Christian’s  handler’s know this.  That’s why the word “Republican” does not appear within five miles of any of her signs or literature.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (40)

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  1. Disbelief says:

    Not only is Bruce’s opponent a Republican, but Christian is also a Republican supported by the likes of Prince Lil’ Johnny Still.

    One of the most beneficial qualifications a Republican can put on his or her resume is “Still doesn’t like me.” If that’s the case, i.e., Nixon, Protack, Allsopp nee ‘R’, Bonini, etc., I’ll take a second look.

  2. anon says:

    I agree with you about collective guilt for all Republicans. But in Delaware it is tempting to try to spank the bad Dems by voting for their Republican opponents. It is a hell of a moral dilemma.

  3. Shorty says:

    She’s also a Morman. When people find this out it will go over like a fart in church.
    What’s wrong with Mormans you say? Ask the CIA why they hired mostly Mormans? They have very, very strange characteristics that don’t fit normal western civilized behavior. They are very decadent.
    Take for example having more then one wife.
    Bring em young is the university named after the founder. I forget howmany young wives he had and that’s just the tip of the iceburg. Any religious denomination that the CIA recurited from can’t get my vote.
    Republicans can due better and why did they stab Feroce in the back? Republicans smile in your face all the time wanting to get your vote so they can stab you in your back.

  4. jason330 says:

    You got that right.

    If there was even some small Republican movement to reject the Bush idiocy it would be alot easier.

    To my knowledge the only local Republican who has consistently denounced Bush’s version of modern Republicanism Tyler Nixon.

  5. jason330 says:


    You are over the line. Anymore of that and your commenting days are over.

  6. jason330 says:

    For the record my #4 is a response to anon’s 2.

  7. anon says:

    I vote for deleting #3. It offends me, and also you don’t want to be accused of spreading that crap on purpose.

  8. Dave says:

    Ahhhh. Religious bigotry. Beautiful.

  9. Dave says:

    Oh, and Jason — that’s all you’ve got?

    You rail at the Dixiecrat element in your party all the time, and now you’re perfectly happy to put another one in office, just because of the D next to his name?

    I know we have the better candidate, but geez, you’ve got to be able to find something.

  10. Disbelief says:

    Still likes her. That’s enough for me. And I don’t mean a good thing.

  11. Dave says:

    I don’t believe Still’s ever met her. How do you know he likes her?

  12. Disbelief says:

    Because he hasn’t written a nasty letter to her yet.

  13. jason330 says:

    Dave –

    You are the party hack not me. I’ve even endorsed an R so that crap will nto fly.

    When have you ever endorsed a D? Okay then.

    Let me interview her without you looming over it. I’ll give her a fair shake.

  14. Dave says:

    So you can be “fair” and “independent?”

    What will your first question be?

    “So, Mrs. Christian, do you think Mike Castle should apologize for every ill that every citizen of the planet faces as a result of his miserable existence?”

  15. Dana Garrett says:

    Oh, Jason, have you really fallen back into into this awful position? An INDIVIDUAL Republican candidate that holds views that are far more democratic and helpful to the people of DE than the Democratic candidate you’ll exclude from consideration by definition simply because she is a Republican? Do you really want to be the butt of mockery on blogs and talk radio again because of the revival of this cultist view?

    Think about your credibility.

  16. Dana Garrett says:

    “She’s also a Morman. When people find this out it will go over like a fart in church.”

    I resent your implication that MY Democratic Party is the party of religious intolerance and hate.

  17. Disbelief says:

    Dana, your premise is that it is an absolute, incontravertable fact that one candidate is better than the other.

    I don’t see how you can establish that foundation without actually knowing the woman somewhat. In addition, Dave’s opinion is based on a few minutes, perhaps an hour meeting with her.

    C’mon. Opinions that are formed that quickly cannot be very valid.

    Mine? Christian may or may not be a good candidate. However, I know Ennis is one of the better legislators, and I’d like to keep him in the Legislature.

  18. jason330 says:

    Dave – Chicken.

    Dana –

    I’m sorry to have promoted the line that Ennis is Vaughn lite. I’ve recently spoken to Ennis and I have to say that I was impressed.

    I think the race is an interesting one and I’d love to site down with Christian. (Dave is too chicken though).

    Anyway, I might very well end up the object of derision for my party line hack-itude. But I will be derrided as a Democrat who has endorsed a Republican. I can live with that ill-informed mockery.

  19. Dave says:

    “However, I know Ennis is one of the better legislators, and I’d like to keep him in the Legislature.”

    He stays in the Legislature no matter what, Dis.

  20. Dave says:

    Also, it doesn’t matter one bit what Ennis SAYS about open government. The simple you either add to the Adams-DeLuca-Blevins secret government caucus or you don’t.

    Ennis does. Christian doesn’t.

  21. jason330 says:


  22. A person can have a faith or no faith, either is fine with me, it is called personal choice. If that faith dominates a person’s political views it is fair game but not until that fact is proven. There is a difference between conduct and identitiy.

    What are the issues in this race?

  23. South of Canal says:

    The issues in this race are concern for over development and how to meet infrastructue needs. I hope others will add to this the need for open government (legislature and more sincere openess of agencies under FOIA), the environment, and better ethics laws at the state level that get us a little more than the very low level of legal moralism we are currently living with.

    The latter are probably issue that need to come from outside the district, as Development and Education are probably the local community drivers in this one.

  24. Dave says:

    No, south of canal. You’re wrong. Jason has clearly stated that the single issue in this race is poultry.

    Why else would he keep saying chicken?

  25. jason330 says:

    Dave –


  26. Dana Garrett says:

    “Dana, your premise is that it is an absolute, incontravertable fact that one candidate is better than the other.”

    Actually my premise is that no one is capable of determining or arguing for one candidate being better than the other or even arguing that there is no clear difference between them when one one excludes a candidate by definition because of their party affiliation.

    And I’ll say this: I think there is no way one can legitimately argue that a candidate should be discounted simply because of their party affiliation alone.

    Besides, this is precisely the what Jason argued last year when he endorsed Spivack. He did because he knew Spivack was a terrible and offensive candidate and he feared the many Democratic defections Castle normally gets. So the best way to get the Democrats for Castle votes back was to argue that voting for a Republican per se was wrong. Unsurprisingly, now that Bullock is out of the race (a candidate who would not have offended Democrats like Angry Denney did) and Spivack is now “7.5%” out of 10 certain that he’ll run again–well, it looks like Jason has the same problem he did last year. He’s got the offensive Crazy Denny to defend and the only defense he can offer is that voting for any Repub is wrong, period, end of story.

    Do you remember last year when Jason was saying things like a vote for T. Wagner was a vote for George Bush. Looks like he intends to trot out that source of shame and mockery he brought to the DE Dem Party and the Progressive Dems again this year. It didn’t get Crazy Denny elected and it only discredited the Progressive Dems in the eyes of virtually every serious onlooker of DE politics but themselves. That’s a pity. I like many of the people in the Progressive Dems, appreciate many of their views and like many of their candidate choices and have even attended some of their meetings since becoming a Dem myself again.

    Here’s the scoop on all this: Ennis really is sweating bullets because of Christian’s fusion candidacy. An entirely new dynamic for voters is created when one candidate’s name appears twice on the same ballot. I’ll be discussing this latter on DE Watch. But this why we see here on the same discussion board crap like voting for a Repub is wrong per se and voting for a Mormon is wrong per se. This bottom feeding politics wouldn’t be going on if it weren’t for the fact that Ennis’ campaign is in trouble. I know it for a fact and not from a Repub source, but from Dem sources; in fact, from 3 Dem insiders.

    But you know what, the DE Dem Party made this bed for themselves by rejecting fusion candidacies and now they’ll have to lie in it. Daniello is responsible for what should be an easy pick-up for the Dems now appearing to be a race perahps too close to call.

  27. Dana Garrett says:

    “You are the party hack not me. I’ve even endorsed an R so that crap will nto fly.

    When have you ever endorsed a D? Okay then.”

    Ouch! Score a big point for Jason.

  28. Dana Garrett says:

    “Anyway, I might very well end up the object of derision for my party line hack-itude. But I will be derrided as a Democrat who has endorsed a Republican.”

    Jason, you endorsed a Repub who was not the Repub candidate in the race, but the IPOD candidate. Still, you are correct when you say that you are on record for endorsing a registered Repub in a race and Burris is not on record for endorsing a registered Dem in a race.

    Look, as far as I am concerned, Ennis might be the preferred candidate and Christian might be as well. I need to look at them closer. I just think it would be wrong to argue exclude Christian per se because she’s a Repub when she might have views that are more in line w/ a progressive agenda.

  29. Disbelief says:

    Christian is running a campaign on nothing in order to follow the panderer rule that if you don’t say anything nobody will get mad at you. That’s not the character I want in the Legislature. I just got her flier this week, and it says absolutely nothing. I don’t vote for nothing.

  30. Dave says:

    Dis — You decided who you were going to vote for before the R’s even had a candidate. Please.

    You don’t vote for nothing, but you’ll vote for a guy whose entire platform is “Vaughn endorsed me and I’ve been in Dover longer than Father Time.” I haven’t heard one thing that Ennis claims to want to accomplish in the Senate.

  31. jason330 says:

    Now then…where was I ?

    Oh yeah…when is the interview with Christian going to be?

  32. Disbelief says:

    I don’t think Christian speaks for herself. You have to go through Dave and various levels of handlers until you find out there’s no one behind the curtain.

  33. Dave says:

    Someone find me one thing Bruce Ennis intends to do in the Senate.

    She handles her own schedule, her own issues and her own mind. This week alone she has something like 14 appearances, forums, fundraisers, meet-and-greets and interviews with various news organizations. Add to that knocking on doors and greeting people at events, and you end up with one thick schedule. Add to that the 100+ emails, phone calls and visits she got last week, and, well, you get the picture. It’s an absolute sprint.

    Jason would have a better chance if I actually had some influence. Basically, she just tells us where she’s going and what she’s doing and we get out of the way and try to help where we can.

  34. jason330 says:

    She didn’t even bother to respond to my email (not even to decline).

    If that the style she intends to bring to Dover?

  35. Dave says:

    You said that people shouldn’t vote for her because she’s a Republican who “associates with a party run by most vile sort of morally diseased vermin that has ever existed in the history of the universe” and then called her a “Dave Burris product” who needs “handlers.”

    I can’t imagine she bumped you to the top of the list. I wouldn’t fault her if she bumped you off the list completely. But then again, she doesn’t listen to me, so she’ll probably call you at some point.

  36. jason330 says:

    You said that people shouldn’t vote for her because she’s a Republican who “associates with a party run by most vile sort of morally diseased vermin that has ever existed in the history of the universe”

    And you said that she was not that sort of Republican.

    That is what this request is all about. Is she or isn’t she? I admit what I am. A person who is rightly wary of Republicans.

  37. Dave says:

    Well, insulting someone right out of the box without a genuine attempt to get to know them does not usually end up with that person too interested in what you want.

  38. jason330 says:

    I’m 42 and now you are telling me that. I can only imagine how different my life would be if you only got to me in my twenties.

    But seriously folks. I’m a bridge builder.

    Have your canidate call me.

  39. r smitty says:

    Hey, I did get Jason to recant, somewhat, on Frightland.

    Here’s another challenge, Jason. Think you can get Stephanie to like us one day? She’s awfully pissed at the moment, saying mean things about Dave. 🙂

  40. Dave says:

    I think I tried to get to you way back when you were 41…