and now, your hypocrisy moment of the year

Filed in National by on October 11, 2007

the Family Research Council

IS worried about censorship

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hiding in the open

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  1. Check this out, FRC was founded by Blackwater boy’s mommy and daddy

    Here at TPM we’re looking very closely at military security contractors in Iraq. Tomorrow, Blackwater CEO Erik Prince goes to Capitol Hill to testify before Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) House Government Reform and Oversight committee. One issue that’s got our attention about Blackwater is the firm’s ability to leapfrog a number of much older and well-established US firms in Iraq. And that’s got us interested in Prince’s Republican political credentials.

    Along those lines, a few details about Prince to help frame tomorrow’s hearing.

    Erik Prince is 37 years old. He founded Blackwater in 1997 with money he inherited from his father, Edgar Prince, the head of Prince Automative. The elder Prince and his wife were major Republican and conservative activists and funders. And Prince himself co-founded The Family Research Council with Gary Bauer and apparently provided the key early funding for the group.

    According to Bauer, “I can say without hesitation that, without Ed and Elsa and their wonderful children, there simply would not be a Family Research Council.”

    Erik Prince’s first job was to intern at FRC.

  2. anon says:

    Far right social conservatives with guns… what could go wrong?

    I fully expect Blackwater to be guarding polling places in 2008, you know, to prevent “vote fraud.”

  3. anon says:

    to prevent “vote fraud.”

    or terrorism

  4. donviti says:


    it’d be funny if it wasn’t possible

  5. Anon II says:

    ditto donviti 🙁

  6. Chris says:

    “I fully expect Blackwater to be guarding polling places in 2008, you know, to prevent “vote fraud.”

    What makes you more nervous? That they woul dbe there with guns, or that democrats would have less chance to cheat?

  7. anon says:

    The guns.

  8. donviti says:

    What makes you more nervous? That they woul dbe there with guns, or that democrats would have less chance to cheat?

    the fact that they’d be there at all makes me nervous.

    and your less chance to cheat comment is another GOP meme, pumped out by Rove and the DOJ, get over it