Delaware Liberal

Open Letter to Joanne Christian

Dear Mrs. Christian,

I would like to congratulate you and thank you for seeking elected office first as a member of the Appoquinimink School Board and now the 14th Senate District seat until recently held by James Vaughn. Your record speaks to an admirable public spiritedness and I hold you in very high regard for your willingness to endure a process that seems to become less civil by the hour.

As small measure of counterbalance to that incivility I would like to interview you for one of Delaware’s top political blogs, As the name suggests, I am a liberal Democrat and given the current state of affairs in the country I am justifiably suspicious of Republicans.

However, in addition to being a suspicious liberal I am also a resident of the 14th SD and I am an undecided voter. So in order to make an informed voting decision I would like to find out what being a Republican means to you and how you feel your party affiliation would impact your work in the State Senate.

I hope that you regard this invitation as both an opportunity to win me over and a chance to reach out to others like me through the blog. Thank you for considering it.

Jason Scott

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