Open Letter to Joanne Christian

Filed in National by on October 11, 2007

Dear Mrs. Christian,

I would like to congratulate you and thank you for seeking elected office first as a member of the Appoquinimink School Board and now the 14th Senate District seat until recently held by James Vaughn. Your record speaks to an admirable public spiritedness and I hold you in very high regard for your willingness to endure a process that seems to become less civil by the hour.

As small measure of counterbalance to that incivility I would like to interview you for one of Delaware’s top political blogs, As the name suggests, I am a liberal Democrat and given the current state of affairs in the country I am justifiably suspicious of Republicans.

However, in addition to being a suspicious liberal I am also a resident of the 14th SD and I am an undecided voter. So in order to make an informed voting decision I would like to find out what being a Republican means to you and how you feel your party affiliation would impact your work in the State Senate.

I hope that you regard this invitation as both an opportunity to win me over and a chance to reach out to others like me through the blog. Thank you for considering it.

Jason Scott

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (59)

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  1. Dave says:

    You think Ennis will let me interview him?

  2. Chris says:

    I think I saw this in an episode of the “Road Runner”. Jason E. Coyote and another pseudo-brilliant trap.

  3. jason330 says:

    Don’t be a chicken Dave. I’ll be nice. I want to have the best person in that seat. Honest ‘injun.

  4. Disbelief says:

    I believe Jason’s being frank and honest, and will comb his hair and brush his teeth for the interview.

    Also, I do think Ennis would talk to you if you called. He’s one of the few legislators who actually talks to his consituents, why not you? Plus, both of you have something in common: size.

  5. Jason,

    I look forward to both interviews. Nice job.

  6. Dana Garrett says:


    Why should she interview w/ you when you have already excluded her because she is a Repub and for no other reason? Why should she think she can get a fair shake from you?

    You really can’t be serious about interviewing her.

  7. Dana,

    If she refuses to be interviewed I would not be impressed. You have to go into enemy territory when you run for office.

  8. RickJ says:


    If she refuses to be interviewed I would not be impressed. You have to go into enemy territory when you run for office.”

    Says the proud gubernatorial candidate who refused to appear at a Delaware Liberty Fund forum in August 2004 for fear of seeing “the Gays”.

  9. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    The Republicans did a “Insiders Deal” by approaching Frank Simms with the Independent Party. Did The Independents have an “Open Meeting” meeting to discuss Christian? In the open as they claim? -Hell no. It was as simple as her handlers picking up the phone and saying, “Hey Fran, want to be “Included”? and make change. -They used him as a tool
    Dave Burris and crew did , and used the Independent Party as stooges to give a boost to Christian.She would not have thought of this herself.
    Do I see a Burris/Bennett chief half lies coming to town to Scalp votes and supress “D” voters on the quick by innuendo?

  10. r smitty says:

    You just said basically the same thing on FSP, except there you said you could be wrong. Nice consistency in your bash. Did ya ever ask Frank Sims?

    Does Nancy approve of you using her name, or did you simply force yourself upon her?

    I find it interesting how you attempt to tie Jud in your slam. That and you aren’t using your wildblue “connection” tonight.

    BTW, I was at the meeting to select someone to run in SD14 and it was open…very open. Were you there? I have this feeling you have images in your head and you confuse them for fact.

    Drinking and flame-blogging. Just say no.

  11. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    Frank Simms never has to be asked. You call , and he finds a new friend.
    Jud ran a “Slash and Burn” campaign last time he ran.
    And that will happen here when you all get done with Ennis. It’s in your nature. Your taught that as you become interested in the voting process.

  12. r smitty says:

    Were you at the selection meeting for SD14?

    Nice anonytroll copy/paste job on DWA, btw.

  13. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    I really, actually do feel sorry for Christian.
    You guys as her handlers just have her name on the ballot . TWICE. And no party affiliation on any of her stuff..
    She is clueless and on your point and shoot program.
    Remember…. in the end The “Candidate approves of her message”. She will be the one who will have to explain and disclaim what you guys are writing and printing on her behalf.

  14. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    You are such a junior “G” boy.

  15. r smitty says:

    I feel sorry for you in that this is what you reduced yourself to. I would tell you so, but, you know…you have multiple handles.

    Were you at the selection process for SD14? You knew so much about it as first-hand knowledge.

  16. r smitty says:

    A “G” boy. Solid. I do like exposing fraud.

  17. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    And Jason, Your “Open Letter” will be responded to, by ghost writer, the day after the election.
    Yo’ R ,I mean little r , are you helping to put up Christian signs? Or not reporting Ennis missing signs?

  18. r smitty says:

    Nope, none of the above. I don’t plant signs and I don’t take signs.

    You can call me Randy, as many people here know me by my name. I don’t hide.

    I told you at FSP: you are done with me for tonight. You need to get some sleep to stop those images in your head that you are confusing for fact. Thanks for your bread trail tonight, too. It helped.

  19. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    And didn’t Joanne Christian write a real edited letter last election against Bill Powers on behalf of Rob Gilsdorf.
    You have to admit, she used “Edited” facts to slash and burn him.
    Or did someone else write it and ask her to sign it?
    (Powers received 66% of the vote against Gilsdorf)

  20. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    “Bread Crumbs”

  21. r smitty says:

    Man, you are one copy-pasting fool tonight! How many other sites did you put that comment on?

    Hey, lies were told about Gilsdorf and painful truth about Powers (county taxes in arrears, later on paid). The results are what they are. It was a whoopin on our ass last year and you and we know it. That may be your first actual fact tonight.

    Go to bed. I can’t keep following your bread crumbs all night. Hey, I wrote a letter to the editor about Tom Gordon in 98. Maybe we can talk about that one.

  22. Dave says:

    Idiot — You are one sad soul.

    Why would the Independent Party even consider Bruce Ennis?

    Also, Ennis is actively seeking another spot on the ballot and will be interviewed by the Working Families Party for their spot. He seems to like following Joanne Christian’s lead.

  23. Disbelief says:

    Dave, so working hard on a campaign as well as a strong resume in the Legislature means that Bruce is a follower? That makes as much sense as the war.

  24. Dave says:

    Well, Dis.

    She built a great website after she announced. A week later, Ennis used the exact same company to build essentially the same web site, except his had a photoshopped picture of him and Vaughn.

    She put her statement on Vaughn’s death on her homepage. The next day, so did Ennis, in nearly the same fashion.

    She got endorsed by a third-party. Now, he’s trying to do the same.

    See a trend? All Bruce seems to be running on is Vaughn’s endorsement and a couple of bills he passed 10 years ago. Is there a plan for the future, Dis?

  25. Art Downs says:

    I decided to meet the woman. Based on my impression and what I know about her opponent, I will probably be spending quite a few Saturdays working on her campaign.

    The (unlike her opponent) epitomizes the citizen-legislator, a person with a real job in a real world whose public service would be just that and not a snout in the public trough.

    I ahve had simiar critical words for some Republican incumbents so my position is not motivated by blind partisanship.

    I suppose that working as a chauffeur for a governor does provide some good connections but we can and should do better.

    For some reason, a couple of lines from the musical satire HMS Pinafore come to mind: “He alawys voted at his party’s call; he never had an original thought at all.”

  26. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    Hi Dave,
    Liked the 3 Joanne “Christian” intro lit pieces which were positive about her because she has no name “ID”.
    – When do the “Bash Bruce Ennis” pieces start.
    Oh , sorry, (As you call me “Idiot”), I remembered
    They start next week.
    Thank you , and Jud, and Dave A. for attacking his voting record in advance.
    Thank you for using his “Name ID” against him.
    – And as you said, The Independent Party wouldn’t have Bruce Ennis.
    -Shouldn’t Frank Sims put forth that statement?

  27. Dave says:

    His record will be examined. Should it not be?

    He has a lot less to be worried about than had the D’s chosen another candidate whose named was tossed around. She would have had A LOT of questions to answer.

  28. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    You guys are so easy. You give yourselves away. Let’s see, week one: Christian positive. Give her name ID. Week two: Bash Ennis. Week three: ….Keep talking smart guy…………

  29. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    Uh oh…..all I hear is crickets….Hello? Dave? Are you out there?

  30. Dave says:

    Actually, it started with seven years of her working her tail off for her community on the school board and taking in foster children and raising her children, and running a small business and generally being a class act who a lot of people respect.

    It ends with week five: win.

    I asked you a question. Is Bruce Ennis’ voting record not a factor in this race?

    Can we do this at one place?

  31. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    So long as we can use “Mormon Rules.” For every question , we get three responses.

  32. Dave says:

    I’m just sad we didn’t get to examine your record. It would have been much more fun.

  33. Dave says:

    I know. Right now, you’re asking yourself, “How could he possibly know?”

  34. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    Okie dokie. “Assume” makes an “ass” out of you…… You have no idea how much fun we have out of needling you. We get so much more that we give.

  35. Dave says:

    And continuing to mess with me makes a public ass out of you.

    You know what’s fun for me? Winning.

  36. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    ooooohhh….I’m “messin’ with Texas”, I’m messin’ with the “big man,” I’m gonna be so sorry……ooooooo….I’d better stop…… What were we talking about, again? Oh yeah, you giving it all away by being so prickly.

  37. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    Yo’ Dave. Was that you at Patty Finlayson’s (Sp.) house this AM?
    I hope you were driving the Escalade / Big SUV for dropping the young Republicans to lit. drop Longmeadow, Middletown Crossing and Dove run.
    -It would be beneath some to do the “grunt work” of door to door , every house hold.
    Now Next week your “Out of state folks” can do the “Bashing Bruce on his voting record” mailers.

  38. Dave says:

    You can cut and paste your answer on as many blogs as you want, Steph, but I’m not answering on every blog.

  39. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    Sorry, Not Nancy ,not Steph .Sorry about your race.

  40. r smitty says:

    “When keepin’ it real goes REAL wrong – Steph”

    Dave – classic find! Although, be careful, her router may be suffering from stolen signals in their driveway.

    Stephanie – seriously, just roll with it. We obviously don’t see eye-to-eye (well, I am with you on the stem-cell debate, so there is something), but just take the mask off and have at it. Hell, Jason might add you as a contributor in the long run and then it will be a real hootenanny (sp?). When all is said and done, we can all mingle at the ChesDel for Muskrat and Bud. Jason will buy.

  41. jason330 says:

    Dave never made an earnest call to interview Ennis. Anyway Dave is a flat out party hack who has NEVER broken with his party – so would not expect Ennis to take up that invitation if (when) it is offered.

  42. pray4liberty says:

    Looked at Joanne’s resume. Very impressive. This is in particular caught my eye:

    “Appointed by Governor to Professional Standards Board”

    So when is she, as President of the school board and a member of the Professional Standards board going to punish those school administrators who have been abusive to children? She knows about it. That’s been going on for years but she still votes in lock-step with this koo-koo administraton AGAINST the children she’s sworn to help.

    Read the post by “Mollydoodles.”

    If Joanne’s willing to side with the Appoquinimink District for her credentials then she needs to know she’s going to get their stink on her too. There are a lot of people in Middletown who’ve been done dirty, and they vote. Those parents who went to her for relief got none, sorry to say. We don’t need someone who sides with the status quo as a Senator.

  43. Dave says:

    “We don’t need someone who sides with the status quo as a Senator.”

    Please tell me that you understand the incredible irony of that statement.

  44. pray4liberty says:

    Sure, and it applies to Joanne more than it applies to Bruce…and Cathcart for that matter.

  45. pray4liberty says:

    Joanne spent seven years covering up for the school district–that’s status quo. It’s also called C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N!

  46. Dave says:

    Corruption? Nice. I was going to shoot down your argument, but you did it for me. Thanks.

  47. jason330 says:

    Dave –

    I haven’t heard anything in two weeks. Are we still on?

  48. pray4liberty says:

    Maybe the Pubbies should have asked Mike Protack to run, now that guy might actually do something to give Ennis a run for his money. Why didn’t they?

  49. Dave says:

    Cause we wanted to win. Not to mention that he doesn’t live in the district.

    Not too bright, are you?

  50. disbelief says:

    Does Feroce live in the District?

  51. liberalgeek says:

    Well, we know Dave doesn’t.

  52. pray4liberty says:

    Hey Dave, if you asked Mike to be the Pubbie candidate, he might have MOVED…like your buddy Feroce did. HE moved from out of state as I recall. No you just don’t want to give a candidate you CAN’T CONTROL a chance, someone who doesn’t have a lot of dirty baggage like Feroce.

    Also this business about “fusion candidacy” I have to laugh at YOUR IGNORANCE because I found THIS published in the paper, it seems it wasn’t Joanne’s idea after all…but the Senate candidate in 2006, Barbara Allsopp.

    Her letter follows:
    It is very interesting how quickly the Republicans change their views on fusion candidacy in one year.

    In 2006, when I was endorsed as a fusion candidate on the Republican/Independent ticket for the 14th State Senate seat, John Still, the Senate Minority Leader sent me an email telling me to leave the party, Richard Forsten of the Republican leadership sent me a 1994 AG ruling that stated fusion candidacy was against DE law, and many Republicans emailed and called me to ask me what was I doing. One Republican leader told me I was an outcast. The abuse I took from the Republican leadership for being a fusion candidate was unbelievable.

    Here are excerpts from John Still’s letter: calling me a whitewash, that I had forsaken the Republican party in favor of my own personal agenda, that I had exploited a loophole in the DE law that he said would be addressed in the 2007 General Assembly, and to top it all off, he told me to leave the party as soon as the law permitted. People have said that it was just John Still who felt this. He was the spokesman for the whole group of the Republican leadership, not just one individual voicing his opinion. This email was copied to the whole group and not one person wrote to refute his message.

    But apparently the rules in this new election year 2007 have changed. Last year if you were a fusion candidate, the Republicans abused you; this year they applaud you as the hero of the democratic process. Which is it? I don’t think they know. They are so desperate that they tried to recruit anyone they can think of for this 14th senate seat. I appeal to the registered Republicans-you need to check into your leadership in this state.

    Political parties were created because their views differed. Where does the Republican leadership in this state fit in?

    You guys are so desperate to win it’s pathetic and those actions have caused a lot of Republicans (my family included) to tell the party to go to hell because you have lost all your integrity with those dirty campaigns you run. People are turned off and when your own party starts leaving in droves you have no one but yourselves to blame.

  53. pray4liberty says:

    For clarificaton: the last paragraph above is my opinion, Barbara’s letter ends with the question.

    I’ve been in the Republican party since I moved from Maryland 10 years ago and worked on the Cathcart, Brady and Lee campaigns, so Dave if you’re saying I’m not that smart…

  54. pray4liberty says:

    ..and I voted for Burris, too.