
Filed in National by on October 12, 2007

Can you still have money when you are dead?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    I love it. OK, I’ll bite.

    Obviously you don’t need money in heaven with Jesus, DV. You give it to all you holy warriors kids so they can carrying on the traditions of bigotry and superstition as well as ensure the income gap persists at gilded age levels. I mean, c’mon, these poor people that can’t afford health care; they’re just lazy and shouldn’t have any sense of entitlement. You just want the government to have the money because you’re a dirty communist.

    My heirs, on the other hand, are entitled to it by coincidence of birth. OOPS, I mean god’s design.

  2. G Rex says:

    Ask Leona Helmsley’s dog.

  3. Chris says:

    “You give it to all you holy warriors kids so they can carrying on the traditions of bigotry and superstition as well as ensure the income gap persists at gilded age levels.”

    So were you BORN a bigoted a-hole or are you the product of a bad experience as an alterboy? Nothing lights your anger more than religion.

    I know what I can do to really set you off….I shall pray for you…