Day 5: What is Joanne Christian Hiding?

Filed in National by on October 15, 2007

Stonewalling enters day five.

My perfectly genial invitation goes unanswered yet another day.

I guess this is a glimpse of the kind of treatment I can what I can expect if Christian becomes my State Senator.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. Disbelief says:

    So Ms. Christian is another politician that doesn’t talk to us peons of the proletariat. Great. Another unresponsive legislator. Guess that pretty much means she won’t be for FOIA improvements.

  2. Dave says:

    Fear smells good. Kinda like chicken.

  3. Dave says:

    BTW, what makes you better than any other SD14 voter that she should prioritize you over them?

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Jason, if she does win, she apparently won’t be your State Senator since you won’t have voted for her. She will apparently only owe you an answer if you actually vote for her. Perhaps she walks around at campaign events and when meeting someone, she asks if they are going to vote for her. If the answer is ‘no’ she just walks (or runs) away.


  5. liberalgeek says:

    BTW, what makes you better than any other SD14 voter that she should prioritize you over them?

    He is a voter with influence on the electorate. Just like Celia or WRonG or the jokers at the Middletown Transcript.

  6. Disbelief says:

    Dave, what is your penchant for relishing fear in others? You keep saying “Fear is good.” What is the point of your enjoyment of other peoples’ fears? Is this the ‘warm and fuzzy’ side of the GOP?

  7. anon says:

    what is your penchant for relishing imagining fear in others?

  8. kavips says:

    I must express my disappointment in the silence on both sides of this campaign. Hope sprang at the announcement of two good candidates. Now as the silence grows, it does appear that ‘this special election” is under the influence of both party’s ‘mechanizations’ and not the influence of warm, heartfelt human beings.

    It is past time, for the public disclosure on who and what, these people are……

    Hmmm…..perhaps we could force their hand…

  9. Chris says:

    “I guess this is a glimpse of the kind of treatment I can what I can expect if Christian becomes my State Senator.”

    Come on Jason. You don’t need her. A hack like you has already determined what answers you wanted printed. Probably written them already yourself. Just go ahead and publish them as if it occurred. It is not like anything she would say to you would change you r views or the report. Maybe she would rather spend time with people who might actually be persuaded to vote for her. I hardly see you in that camp.

  10. Disbelief says:

    Chris, the difference between you and many participants here is not the fleeting fashion of political ideology, but the ability to have and keep an open mind. And it is this handicap of a closed mind that will forever keep you from understanding the previous sentence.

  11. RickJ says:

    Jason’s comment should Christian say something he doesn’t agree with:
    “She’s a typical Republican.”
    Jason’s comment should Christian say something he does agree with:
    “She’s lying.”

  12. Chris says:

    “Chris, the difference between you and many participants here is not the fleeting fashion of political ideology, but the ability to have and keep an open mind.”

    Open mind? Here? Were you actually able to type that with a straight face? It is always the familiar rally cry of the left that they are “open minded”. Well let me tell you something….I have found liberals to be the most CLOSED minded idealogues I have ever met. Disagree with them on ANY issue and you are either:
    a. Bigoted
    b. Racist
    c. Hatemongering
    d. Stupid
    e. Brainwashed.
    f. Knuckledragger
    g. Evil rich and trying to stay that way on the backs of masses.
    h. (and my personal favorite) All of the above.

    What you never are, is someone with a point of view that may have some merit. If it is not the liberal view…it cannot possible have merit.

  13. kavips says:

    There are many times when the liberal point of view lacks merit……..but is only offered humbly because at that time, it is far superior to the alternatives being proposed by the conservatives.

  14. jason330 says:

    Just the kind of comment you’s expect a bigoted, racists, hatemongering, knuckle dragger to make.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    a. Bigoted
    b. Racist
    c. Hatemongering
    d. Stupid
    e. Brainwashed.
    f. Knuckledragger
    g. Evil rich and trying to stay that way on the backs of masses.
    h. (and my personal favorite) All of the above.

    If the shoe fits, you can’t acquit….

  16. Disbelief says:

    Chris, I’m only accusing you of d., e., and f.

    For a. and b. and g., see Celia’s piece on the DE GOP royalty.