I wasn’t expecting nada from Christian

Filed in National by on October 15, 2007

I expected to get at least a “thanks, but no thanks” to this invitation.

In fact, I really expected to get a “Sure, I’ll talk to you.” I mean heck – I’m not a bad guy.

But nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch….

I wasn’t expecting that.

Dave – you’re giving your charge Someone is giving Christian bad advice.

I’m not giving away any secrets to say that she is going to need Democrats like me to cross-over to have any kind of shot.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Dave says:

    Well, insulting someone right out of the box without a genuine attempt to get to know them does not usually end up with that person too interested in what you want.

    Besides, you’re not going to vote for her because she’s a Republican who associates with vile vermin. So why not spend her time on people who actually are undecided?

  2. jason330 says:


    That as only an insult if you think Bush and Cheney are NOT vile vermin.

    Don’t tell me you are flip flopping on THAT now?

  3. Disbelief says:

    She’s starting to look more and more like an ’empty suit’ wheeled out so that the party (in this case, the GOP) doesn’t suffer the embarassment of having no candidate (yet again).

    Because she evidently has nothing to say (empty suits don’t say much), she has been told to keep her mouth shut in order to leverage ignorance into at least a little doubt that she might be a decent legislator.

    Keeping quiet in one of these ‘sprint’ races is playing into the hands of the opposition. Fair enough. Knock yourselves out, guys.

  4. Dave says:

    Dis — I know you’re scared. It’s okay.

    Pretending that she’s saying nothing when she’s clearly got a forward-looking agenda is sometimes a useful tactic. Just not this time.

    I’m still waiting for an answer on what Ennis intends to do in the Senate.

  5. Disbelief says:

    Dave, I’m hearing the buzzwords “forward-looking agenda”, “family values”, etc., but they mean less than “a chicken in every pot” (kudos to anyone who can remember what politician coined that campaign phrase).

    Dave, have her say something with some substance. Even if she says it to Jason in an interview, it will still mean more than innocuous meaningless sound bites.

  6. Dave says:

    How about “No more secret deals.”

    That’s a pretty clear statement that puts her in direct contrast to Ennis.

    Don’t stop pretending, now.

  7. Disbelief says:

    Dave, we know you’ve got some smarts and appreciate you speaking for the candidate.

    I’m just pointing out that if you could get her to say something herself it would help her image.

  8. RickJ says:

    “Besides, you’re not going to vote for her because she’s a Republican who associates with vile vermin. So why not spend her time on people who actually are undecided?” ==> Dave


    That as only an insult if you think Bush and Cheney are NOT vile vermin.

    Don’t tell me you are flip flopping on THAT now?” ==> Jason

    Joanne Christian associates with the President and Vice-President?

  9. jason330 says:

    Rick –

    Read down a bit. I can’t put every fucking thing into context for you.

    Thanks bro!