The DE G(etting) O(ld) P(arty)

Filed in National by on October 15, 2007

Reading Celia and Mike Matthews today and putting 2 and 2 together I’m getting the feeling that the Delaware GOP has lowered it sights so far as to not really be concerned with winning ANY statewide offices EVER again.

I mean, is it me? Or do they just seem to be saying “fuck it.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. Disbelief says:

    There seems to have been a personnel change of those calling the shots in the State GOP. Unfortunately, newer candidates rolled out by the new GOP campaigners appear to be sedated and brainwashed into keeping their mouths shut for fear of alienating anyone. As an example of this, Levin appears to be the GOP’s hope for governor, yet acts like a 16 year-old on prom night when asked about running. We get a few blushes, a prim cleavage check, a giggle, then he’s off to say nothing else that might establish whether or not his virtue is still intact.

    Burris seems to be making an attempt, but I think he’s being over-ridden on candidate choices by his politboro commissars.

  2. Disbelief says:

    Just got a survey call regarding the Senate race. The questions were two, and pretty cut and dry: are you going to vote and who are you going to vote for.

  3. Dave says:

    “The questions were two, and pretty cut and dry: are you going to vote and who are you going to vote for.”

    Those are probably from us. You’ll know it’s from them when they say a whole bunch of nasty things about our candidate, and THEN ask who you’re going to vote for. Sad thing is, it won’t be requested, authorized, or in any way run by Ennis. They’ll just do it anyway.

  4. Disbelief says:

    I put up a 4’x8′ Ennis sign yesterday with permission from the land owner. On my way home from work today, it was gone.

    I’m sure Ms. Christian did not authorize the alacritous disappearance of the sign, however, it does reflect on her campaign. Its a small state, and neighbors notice signs disappearing. Such actions lose more votes than they gain. Dave, put out the word to cut the shit, please. And don’t come back with “You guys did something worse”. Just tell Ms. Christian’s troops to show a little more class in the future.

  5. Dave says:

    Nobody in her campaign is pulling down signs. Period. It doesn’t happen.

    And I won’t blame you or the Ennis campaign for the Christian signs that are missing, or the 4×8 signs with the conveniently cut fasteners.

  6. Jason,

    The Politburo comment was a bit funny but yes there are people who are dedicated to winning at the state level because they realize we are only one election away from lacking the critical mass to be relevant anymore.

    We are having good results drawing in volunteers who have not been part of the establishment or were and left years ago.

    Yes, things are tough but you don’t quit when things get tough.

    By the way, we are doing some new videos tomorrow.

    Have a great day.

  7. Disbelief says:

    Dave, to say no one in any campaign is pulling down signs is a false statement. There are always whackos who somehow think they’re doing a service even though they are not.

    The GOP has to go one step further and clearly state that some behaviors are unacceptable.

    Jason talked about the rigidity of your GOP loyalty under all circumstances. Your statement of complete innocense is simply beyond your power to know or control. A perfect example of blind party loyalty.

  8. Chris says:

    “By the way, we are doing some new videos tomorrow.”

    Mike, if you need a fresh voice for voice-over tags on the ads (or radio ads), let me know. I don’t have the time to knock on doors, work meetings, or hand out flyers, but I can donate my God given voice to your campaign, let me know.

  9. r smitty says:

    I knew it, I just knew it. That’s all I’m saying.

  10. r smitty says:

    Holy crap, Dis.
    The GOP has to go one step further and clearly state that some behaviors are unacceptable.

    I think Strine and Daniello are working on a joint press release for you. How the @#$% do you think some D supporters are innocent of this same accusation you are making? This is an affliction both sides must deal with. I know you are not that naive, so it must be opportunism.

    I agree that if it happens to one side, it doesn’t make it right to happen to another. Unfortunately, there are some supporters that you never meet or never know who pull off this stuff. Both sides need to deal with it, too. Never, however, is it OK.

    In my experience, let me tell you how many vandalized Cathcart signs I had to personally retrieve in 06! Not once did we ever think of blaming Rebecca Walker or her campaign, not once. As a matter of fact, 10 days AFTER the election, I spotted a yard sign of Rebecca’s campaign along Boyds Corner Road, picked it up, contacted her, and arranged for it to be returned to her. Why? To help her avoid being fined by DelDot. THAT is what true campaign workers do.

    Bottom line, sign removal is NOT ok and screwing with the opponent’s material is not tolerated.

    I’ll be looking forward to that joint press release, right along with you.

  11. jason330 says:


    You are a good egg.

  12. kavips says:

    Once I saw a candidate close to tears. Someone had completely shredded her sign. It must have taken hours with a utility knife to slice the sign apart, strip by strip………

    Who would do such a thing? Upon investigation it was determined this unpatriotic act was accomplished by, no other than,……a Deldot Lawn mower…Her opponents signs had suffered the same fate.

    With signs, you never know. Advice….spend your effort on real people, not colored paint upon white plastic.

  13. jason330 says:
