Day 6: More Silence from Christian More Begging from Me.

Filed in National by on October 16, 2007

Mrs. Christian,

I realize that time constraints might be inhibiting you from accepting my invitation to sit for an interview.

To remedy that situation and not place an extra burden on you during this compressed campaign I am willing to send you the few questions I have in advance and allow you to answer them at your leisure.

It would not be my preferred way of handling it, but I am willing to settle for it in so that I might make a better informed voting decision on the 3rd of November. As I mentioned in my previous email I am an undecided voter and I am eager to learn more about the political philosophies that would inform your work in the State Senate.

Thank you for considering this request.

Jason Scott

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Fraud Protack Blows It « First State Politics | October 16, 2007
  1. Dave says:

    Why would you send a note saying that you’re going to send the questions? Just send the questions and see what happens.

    That’s what the other 341 people who have questions have done.

  2. jason330 says:

    I’m still hoping for the sit down. I think that was clear in my note.

    BTW –

    341 ? You just happened to have that number at your finger tips?

  3. Dave says:

    Let’s just say I looked into it knowing that I’d probably be having this conversation today. I guess I can’t say that all of them are requests for positions, but they all are requests of some kind.

    Still looking for a reason why you should be given priority over any of those other people in the district with questions.

  4. jason330 says:

    Still looking for a reason why you should be given priority over any of those other people in the district with questions.


    If your strategy is to run out the clock and hope that one or two nice mail pieces carries the day that is fine with me. Go ahead and stiff arm me because I guess it makes sense from a “strategy” point of view.

    However, if you think she is the best person for the job, do me a favor and spare me the transparent bullshit.

  5. Going in to “enemy territory” is needed to win. I would like to hear/see the interview.

    Have a great day.

  6. RickJ says:

    “Going in to “enemy territory” is needed to win. I would like to hear/see the interview.

    Have a great day.

    There are two people who sign off their posts with “Have a great day.” Mike Protack, and whoever he’s pretending to be.

  7. Dave says:

    Mike Protack in the house, people. Under an assumed name and all. The guy who “never posts under an assumed name.” A fraud and a liar, folks.

    Enemy territory? She sat at a table yesterday in the Teamsters hall with 20 labor leaders and answered every question they threw at her. A lot of her answers weren’t pleasing to the ears of the labor community, but she answered nonetheless. Ennis, on the other hand, accepted the invitation, said he would be there but failed to show up.

    Was Ennis spooked by a head-to-head with Joanne Christian on what should have been his turf, or was he acting on orders from Daniello?

  8. Disbelief says:

    341? Are you sure it wasn’t 342 or 340?

  9. Dave says:

    It’s probably more, since I asked at about 4PM yesterday.

  10. anon says:

    Who’s Mike Protack? Never heard of him.

  11. Al Mascitti says:

    So, Dave, will all the trash talk go away when/if Ennis wins?

  12. Disbelief says:

    I took a look at that link anon put up. Is it me, or does Levin look a lot like Minner?

  13. Dave says:

    If you consider that trash talk, then no. I probably will never, ever stop trash-talking. It’s like trying to keep you from getting pig-biting mad. It’s just part of the package.

    It’ll just go back to being directed at the rest of the Democratic old-guard who are destroying Delaware one day at a time.

  14. Disbelief says:

    Dave has a point. We need fresh, young faces like Atkins.

  15. Al Mascitti says:

    Dave, will all respect, I think you have more to gain than lose by having Ms. Christian talk to the bloggers, Jason included. Hold the first Delaware blogosphere press conference. What could stamp her as more forward-looking than that?

  16. Dave says:

    “What could stamp her as more forward-looking than that?”

    I don’t know. How about being the first modern-day fusion candidate?

    No one’s holding her back from anything. That said, I can certainly understand why she wouldn’t put Jason’s request above another SD14 voter’s.

  17. anon says:

    So Dave… are any of those 341 voters going to publish their Q&A’s with Christian? or are they all sworn to secrecy?

  18. Dave says:

    I imagine they’ll do with them whatever they please. I don’t have any say in the matter.

  19. Sorry boys, I was shooting two campaign ads/videos this morning but Thanks for thinking of me, I appreciate your concern. The videos were on Veteran’s issues at the War Memorial Plaza in New Castle and a state government reform vid. Things went perfectly.

    But yes I would like to read the interview, not see it or hear it.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    In that case, Have a Great Day, Mike.

  21. ScubaGirl says:

    I just want to know – are you married/divorced/single? My guess is you are one lonely old man. I had to read your letter to Joanne Christian a few times because I was laughing so hard. What a whiny, pissy tone! Ick. If you want her to answer questions, ask her questions. duh. Lose the weird “it would not be my preferred way” bla bla stuff. Way too whiny, pal.

  22. jason330 says:

    Wow. You are a regular FBI profiler. You nailed me. As for my tone I thought of it as cordial but I don’t much experience trying to sound cordial (as you know with your profiling gifts).

    Aaaaaaanyway. If you have any pull with Christian put in a good word for me. An interview would be my preferred way of getting to know her.


  23. anon says:

    are you married/divorced/single?

    I think she’s coming on to you, Jason. How could you be so blind?