Oh No! Not Another Blue-Blooded President

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 16, 2007

I am disappointed to report that Barack Obama is related by blood to Dick Cheney and George Bush. Here I thought that he was the outsider, but all along he has been the Bushies’ candidate of choice. My favorite line come from the Obama campaign:

Obviously, Dick Cheney is sort of the black sheep of the family.

That had me laughing on many levels. I wonder if this means that Bush and Cheney are really Muslim?


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  1. donviti says:

    muslim? hell how about african american?

    christ Cheney has a gay daughter and now this?

    wyoming’s son

  2. Someone had to pick the cotton and someone had to crack the whip…

  3. Arthur Downs says:

    Since the relationship involves the Senator’s mother, how does this provide any Islamic links to the VP?

  4. liberalgeek says:

    It was actually a joke. I’ll have to come up with a way to denote jokes in my post. Any suggestions, Art?