Senator Harris B. McDowell III is a E’ffing Embarrassment

Filed in National by on October 16, 2007

Only a major league scumbag would write the kind of nonsense letter her wrote about windpower.

Luckily, John Austin, Patricia Gearity and Tommywonk are on the case.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. Arthur Downs says:

    Windpower may work where there are mountains as sites for the towers. Such geological artifacts are rare in DE. Sailboaters know that their sport is not a year-round activity.

    Just how is the energy to be stored during windless periods? What are the odds of peak production periods coinciding with times of peak demands?

    Windpower is trendy, so it has an appeal in some quarters.

    Even your sailboat socialists get a NIMBY attack when a modern windmill is to be sited within their likely field of view.

  2. anon says:

    ..uhh, sailing stops in the winter because it is TOO windy. And cold, but windmills don’t care about that.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Art doesn’t know what words mean.

    Sailboat socialist? WTF?

    Does everyone get a sailboat or just access to one?

  4. G Rex says:

    By Sailboat Socialist I assume Arthur means Ted Kennedy, who has successfully blocked a Cape Cod wind farm because it would clutter up the vista from his compound. Besides, everyone knows conservatives prefer big, noisy gas-guzzling powerboats. I prefer sailboats myself, but they’re a bitch to ski behind.

    Oh, and we have these newfangled contraptions now that store energy, Arthur. They’re called BATTERIES! (Fuel cells, technically, but still batteries.)

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Arthur must have stock in a nuclear power concern.

    Arthur, really, if you think it is just trendy, try to do a little research to confirm what you say. I have seen data that directly contradicts you.

  6. Art Downs says:

    Batteries and fuel cells have their applications and I have been rather closely involved with some of the latest technology.

    However, how does one store megawatts of energy in fuel cells (or batteries) during periods of peak production and minimal demand?

    This would require that the generators produce DC to be stored in the batteries, This would then be applied to an enorpous inverter that would produce extremely high voltage, three-phase output that would be put onto the power grid. This output would have to be phase locked to the power on the grid (although this would not be that great of a power.

    There has been a lot of talk of co-generation in which an individual or small firm could sell exess power to the utility companies. The devil is in the details and I would appreciate some enlightenment as to how this would be implemented.

  7. Anon II says:

    Senator McDowell has sold the people out on any energy schemes that will not rake any cash for him. He has a vested interest in promoting his own product (he likes burners). McDowell is the one who got DPL deregulated so you have him to thank for your inflated elec/gas statement….let’s hope he gets dumped in ’10…anyone have his (real)address in Middletown? Rumor in the city is he no longer resides on Baynard Blvd. in the city……