Who’s Mike Protack?

Filed in National by on October 16, 2007

apparently I’m not the only smart ass to ask that question in Delaware

No clear distinction emerged in voters’ recognition of the two likely Republican candidates, former Happy Harry’s CEO Alan B. Levin and airline pilot Mike Protack. Similar percentages saw them favorably and unfavorably, but more than half didn’t recognize either name.

Keep hitting those Delaware blogs Mike…I’m sure 2 or 3 more people will learn about you over at FSP, no one reads this over here.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dave says:

    And the thing is, had they asked about “former Happy Harry’s CEO Alan Levin” and “airline pilot Mike Protack,” Levin’s numbers would have shot up and Protack’s, despite a decade of running for office, would have stayed the same.

    But Protack is the big winner here, because the News Journal put him on the front page with the three legitimate candidates, possibly causing the casual observer to actually think he belongs on that level.

  2. jason330 says:

    I was going to say that Protack was the winner with that front page treatment.

    (I was not going to add that second part.)

  3. No, in fact if you mention the former Happy Harry part of the equation numbers will go down. We have numbers showing the overwhelming disappointment of the sale to Walgreens. I look forward to hearing more about Happy Harry’s, it will only help.

    Also, the pharmaceutical industry is not on the top of most people’s Christmas Card list so that bio segment will not help either. Please use it as much as possible.

    I was surprised to see Markell’s numbers being barely ahead of us when he has been a statewide office holder for 10 years.

    The results were good for us because despite being enmeshed in the GOP primary process I had good statewide name recognition.

    Have a great day.

  4. donviti says:

    I think Protack should get Tom Selleck to do his stunt work!

    they both have awesome stache’s

  5. Lenny D says:

    Slow down Protack, try not to get too excited about a poll based off of 469 respondents. The News Joural should put more time and money into these polls before wasting their research on a front page article.
    And keep in mind Mike after running numerous times for any office available, while Levin ran a succesful business and kept to himself, I would sure hope that the citizens of Delaware have heard of you.
    Further your public enemy number 1 Levin hasn’t even announced yet and its not even clear if he will.

  6. Lenny D says:

    Oh yeah and of course

    Have a great day

  7. donviti says:

    thanks for commenting and visiting lenny! welcome to the fray

  8. Lenny,

    Some good points but let me assure you this poll what it is and no more. The positive is we are right behind Jack Markell who has been a statewide office holder for 9 years.

    I don’t think the previous runs were as critical given those forays were in the rather small world of GOP primary politics. Only 2% of Delaware shows up on primary day.

    Lastly, I have no public enemy on a personal level but I am committed to some public issues like health care, education and jobs.

    And- have a great day.

  9. Dave says:

    “I don’t think the previous runs were as critical given those forays were in the rather small world of GOP primary politics. Only 2% of Delaware shows up on primary day.”

    And that will be different this year how?

  10. Arthur Downs says:

    Maybe Mike could shave his head and adopt the G. Gordon Liddy look.

    I did show the N-J pictures to my colleages at work (not in DE) and ask who they would support. This was purely on the basis of appearance. Protack was the overwhelming favorite.

    What is regrettable is the lack of political awareness on the part of most of the people who might be voting.

    Do the people really care and is it possible that a political process that shows some signs of inbreeding fail to encourage participation?

    The recent charade by Sherri F and her loan/gift/bribe showed how insiders can get away with almost anything. Capano nearly got away with murder. Connections do pay.