Day 7: Whiny-ass begging

Filed in National by on October 17, 2007

I’m at a loss. I honestly believed Dave when he told me that I’d end up liking Mrs. Christian. I’m keeping an open mind on that, but I’m not liking this treatment. If anyone has any ideas about how to convince Mrs. Christian to allow me to interview her – I’m all ears.

In the meantime here is my latest whiny-ass-lonely-old-man-begging email.

Mrs. Christian,

At your recent meeting with Dana Garrett you impressed him as “independent candidate with real leadership ability.” I have a lot of respect for Garrett as a blogger/journalist so I will optimistically interpret his comment to mean that you might still be open to the idea of being interviewed for Delawareliberal.

If you have no interest in interviewing the courtesy of a response would be greatly appreciated.


Jason Scott

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Outside the Perimeter « kavips | October 25, 2007
  1. I have heard reports that Mrs. Christian was a rabid conservative in her dealings with the school district affairs.
    And I have heard that rather than being a surprized last minute choice for the nominee, she was fighting hard for it.
    Just sayin.

  2. Dave says:

    “I have heard” that the moon is made of green cheese and that Nancy Willing is really an alien.

  3. Disbelief says:

    Nancy, you think there might be a chance a right-wing, conservative, evangelical Republican might be a bit rabid in her views? What a surprise!

  4. Dave says:

    Guys, do you think you can pretend she’s a member of the VRWC, since you’ve got nothing else bad to say about her?

    If she was a rabid conservative, the Independents would never have endorsed her.

  5. Disbelief says:

    Dave, the reason we’re speculating is because we don’t know jack about Christian. I’ve seen these ‘secret’ campaigns before. Can’t figure them out. Your message seems to be, “Trust me, she’s good.”

    Love to hear something from Christian herself.

  6. Dave says:

    Well, if you have a home in the district, chances are she’ll be knocking on it. If that’s “secret,” then that’s a new definition to me.

    Well, maybe not yours, Dis, since you’ve clearly decided.

  7. jason330 says:

    I have a home in the district and I am undecided. Do you think she’ll knock on my door?

  8. Disbelief says:

    How come all the female candidates knock on donviti’s door every day?

  9. Joe M says:

    Jason, I’m not trying to start a fight or anything, but maybe the fact that you’re not getting a response is because the folks on this site rabidly attack anything to do with the GOP.

    It’s the same reason that I could never have gotten an interview with the late James Vaughn or the not yet late Joseph Wise.

    Again, not attacking, just offering what I think may be a valid explanation. 🙂

  10. Disbelief says:

    Joe, this site has promoted Tyler Nixon, Rudy G., I like Bonini, trashed Minner, etc.

    Your premise is simply wrong.

  11. jason330 says:

    To her credit (and contrary to the wishes of Dana Garrett) Mrs. Christian has consented to sit for an interview with me.

    We only need to work out the day and time and I’ll be posting on that today.

  12. Chris says:

    So Jace, how long does it take to set a date and slap it on what you have already written? But then again, releasing the hit piece transcript before the actual interview might look suspicious even to left wing crazies.

  13. jason330 says:

    I have no idea what you are going on about.

    Care to put that into English?

  14. The endorsement process is a formality of sorts. What makes politics live is that it is local.

    The folks who know what is going on in their district are the ones who will ultimately favor one represenatative aspirant over another and vote accordingly. My contact was being honest about first hand experiences. I am merely reflecting that experience.

  15. you’re not getting a response is because the folks on this site rabidly attack anything to do with the GOP.

    It’s the same reason that I could never have gotten an interview with the late James Vaughn or the not yet late Joseph Wise.

    Again, not attacking, just offering what I think may be a valid explanation.



  16. Joe M says:


    If what I said implied that you guys 100% trash the right, it’s not what I meant. I don’t deal in absolutes. However, even given the 4 examples you’ve provided, can you disagree that this site tends to be very aggressive in attacking right-wing stances, and people seen to be right-wingers?

    Hell, even donviti has attacked Tyler because of nothing more than he was an R, and in those attacks, assumed that Tyler believed things that he simply doesn’t, just because he ran as an R. It even got pretty bitter, IIRC.

  17. jason330 says:

    Joe –

    Part of the editorial mission here is to turn the tables on the right wing by using the hyperbole and overheated rhetoric that they pioneered.

    Lee Atwater and his descendants have debased our political discourse. For a while I tried to take the high road, but it did not pay.

    In the boxing ring of modern politics, the non-absolutists left has a built in disadvantage because most center leftists (people like you and me) are considerate, thoughtful and moderate.

    We democrats don’t view compromise as bad thing – so we ended up having our asses handed to us for the past 15 years by people who are not constrained by moderation, logic, reason, decorum or appeals to our shared humanity.

    Just a little background.

  18. ScubaGirl says:

    See how much more productive it is to drop the whining?
    According to my FBI profiling manuals, if you can keep the whining to an absolute minimum things go better. Good luck w/the interview.

  19. jason330 says:


    You didn’t think “the courtesy of a response would be greatly appreciated.” was a little Bronte-esque ?

    Cool. I was worried about that one.

  20. ScubaGirl says:

    Acutally I winced — and, yes, thought it belonged in another era — but progress is progress. These things take time.

  21. jason330 says:


  22. Joe M says:


    I was being honest when I said I wasn’t trying to start an argument. I know what you guys are doing here, and I have no problem with what you’re doing with your blog.

    I really really was just offering that up as what I thought was the most obvious reason that you weren’t getting a response.

    I also really really wasn’t dissing anyone and I hope no one took it that way 🙂