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Filed in Uncategorized by on October 18, 2007



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  1. anon says:

    How hard is it to say “No Torture, No spying without a warrant?” Tom Carper? Mike Castle? Anybody????

    Yeah, I know, it’s important to listen to terrorists conversations. But first, HOW DO YOU KNOW THEY ARE TERRORISTS? Answer: We listen to their conversations. Thereby missing the whole point of the Fourth Amendment.

    Hay, drop that giant graphic down a bit… it’s mostly covering up the ‘comments’ link.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    The comment is above is right on. Minority leader says “There is absolutely no reason our intelligence officials should have to consult government lawyers before listening into terrorist communications with the likes of Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and other foreign terror groups,”

    First of all, the constitution is the reason. Secondly, I guess we’ll just have to trust that we know the good guys from the bads guys. You’ve done such a bang-up job so far.

    I know it’s been said ad nauseum, but again we’re simply exchanging our libery for security. Bad decision….

  3. Castle gave a shakey answer to the FISA question to Allan Loudell yesterday – that he would err on the side of security rather than civil liberties.

  4. Arthur Downs says:

    We should consider terrorists as sources of information first.

    We are not dealing with honorable enemies.

    We should honor the Fifth Amendment by not using any information extracted by means that would not get ACLU approval as evidence.

    Note that in conventional warfare, information grows stale rapidly. In Korea and Vietnam, our POWs were often tortured to gain ‘confessions’ that were to be used as propaganda.

  5. donviti says:

    hey art? the issue is private companies handing over your information without cause or a warrant.

    but in typical fashion another wingnut tries to steer the actual topic to something else.

  6. anon says:

    Chris Dodd just put a hold on the FISA bill!!!

    Get off your ass and give him a donation right now. I don’t care how broke you are or if you even support Dodd as a presidential candidate. Just give him five bucks as a show of support for the FISA hold:


  7. Von Cracker says:

    “Those who are willing to give up freedoms for security deserve neither.”

    – Some Old Liberal.

    Dodd has my vote; the Scared GOP won’t!

  8. doriangray says:

    Franklin said that right?

  9. Anon II says:

    You Cracker….you are quoting B. Franklin a GREAT AMERICAN…and Castle’s relative….my how the genetic code has been mangled in that family.

    Mickey better hope like hell his lines aren’t tapped ’cause if the truth about his great adventures at Stella’s back in the ’60s & ’70s get out…………well, enough said.