Allsopp supports Ennis’ bid in 14th

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007

 From the NJ.

A constituent praises Rep. Ennis’ senatorial bid

Bruce Ennis, my state representative from Smyrna, works tirelessly and selflessly for his constituents in the 28th District. Even though he is working on issues for his district, he still finds the time to return our phone calls and to ask if there is anything he can do to help us. You can call his home and Grace, his wife, is always there to answer your questions when Bruce is out.


He is a true gentleman, a committed family man, and exemplifies the qualities of a public servant. I honestly have not seen any elected official go the extra mile as he does for his constituents.


Bruce not only is a good listener, but he also can tackle a problem with all the facts lined up that will impress you.


Now it is time for him to extend his public service to the towns and communities of the 14th state Senate District. Port Penn, Delaware City, Middletown, St. Georges, Odessa and Townsend will not be disappointed. They will also enjoy the benefits that we of Smyrna, Clayton, Leipsic, Little Creek and Dover have as you elect Bruce Ennis as state senator of the 14th district.


Please take the time to vote on Nov. 3 and make sure you have the correct polling place. A vote for Bruce Ennis is a vote for integrity, honesty, family and open government.


Barbara Allsopp, Smyrna

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. Dave says:

    And this is supposed to help him?

  2. Disbelief says:

    Yeah, but I got a 3 color flier from Christian today. I’ll summarize:

    1) She states she’s a taxpayer just like me. I wonder if she figured that out all by herself.

    2) She doesn’t like paying taxes. This is a brilliant platform.

    3) “Can she do it? She already has.” Uh, when, exactly, was she in the DE Legislature before?

    4) She is “An Independent Voice.” Not counting Burris, the Kent GOP, her handlers, her polling vendors, etc., etc., etc.

    The flip side of the flier blames Bruce Ennis for our high taxes and fees. Uh, last time I checked, Delaware had one of the lowest property tax rates in the United States. I have to defend her attack a little bit though; she states that State spending is paid for with our taxes! This woman is brilliant!!! How did she figure out the State budet operates from taxes? She must have a graduate degree in political science!

    God; another empty suit.

  3. Dave says:

    “The flip side of the flier blames Bruce Ennis for our high taxes and fees.”

    Actually, the flip side reveals that Bruce Ennis voted to raise taxes, tolls and fees, something the voters of that district probably should know.

  4. Barbara has to do what she has to do, it is no surprise she is trying to make good with her new homeys. I have a great deal of respect for her so do a lot of others. I am sure her endorsement will bring a few votes. However, she is doing what is expected. Doing what is expected does not get you a lot of ground. The people who support her will be persuaded by other factors particularly since this is not compelling.

    Let’s get on to the fact that Rep. Ennis supported raising taxes and fees on working families without reforming the system that blew 2 billion dollars of road money. If that is not an issue Dis, what is? They are wasting money like water splashed out of a kiddy pool…our money.

    When it is gone they just come back to us for more or hold us hostage to roads and bridges falling apart. We need real reform before we give them a dime. Bailouts should always come with the price of reform. Anything else is irresponsible.

    How is that an empty issue? It is one of the major issues.

  5. Disbelief says:


    I’m simply breathless. Really.

  6. I think everyone should be when they look at the DelDot spending spree. I think this is a related issue to open government, but it can be seen to affect us more directly. Everytime you buy a car, get tags, or pay a toll.

    Did you see the trucker’s protest? Fuel costs are already through the roof and now we want tolls to be there as well.

    I agree with you Dis that so far the way this case has been made is less compelling than it should be. I think that can change overnight. Hint.

  7. r smitty says:

    Allsopp supports Ennis.

    Jason pens a “Dear Mike Castle” letter.

    Jason hates Frightland.

    I changed my baby’s diaper.

    I’m not seeing news in any of those statements.

  8. r smitty says:

    Oof I forgot to add one…

    Celia Cohen’s BLOG BLOG BLOG

    Nope, still not seeing news in any of those statements, particularly the last one.

  9. anon. says:

    Curious if any republicans voted to raise taxes, tolls? Could someone check?

  10. Dave says:

    No Republican running for this office did.

  11. Disbelief says:

    How about the Independent?

  12. Dave says:

    Nope. Not her either.