Been caught lien, once, when I was 5…..

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 18, 2007

Like shooting fish in a barrel some days..

I HAVE STRONGLY SUPPORTED THE S-CHIP as a governor, and I have done so as president,” said President Bush at the beginning of a hastily called press conference on September 20.

He was lying.

as governor of Texas, Bush used the legislative calendar to stall two years before implementing the program, then fought to limit the number of children covered. The Texas Legislature meets every other year and had adjourned before Congress enacted and funded the program in 1997. Bush could have signed an executive order and begun enrolling qualified children. Instead, he appointed a committee to study the program, buying time until the next legislative session. When the legislature convened in 1999, Bush recommended implementing the S-CHIP, but with enrollment requirements so stringent that hundreds of thousands of qualified children would have been locked out of the program.

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    This is the same crap Reagan pulled. When Carter called out Reagan for opposing Medicare, Reagan ducked, grinned, and said…”There you go again.” The rest is history. But of course, Carter was right and Reagan was lying.

  2. Arthur Downs says:

    Bush finally learned to spell VETO and he did the right thing here. Entitlements are like herpes, they just don’t go away.

  3. Anon II says:

    Downer….I disagree with you (coroporate)entitlements are are like AIDS…they’re killing us.

  4. donviti says:


    I can give you my address to forward you social security check to.

  5. Chris says:

    “I can give you my address to forward you social security check to”

    See….you libbies are just incapable of keeping your hands off of other peoples money.

    Its just plain sick.