Huckabee Trounces Romney in “Values Voters” Straw Poll

Filed in National by on October 20, 2007

Well it looks like the Christian shot callers have spoken.

MYDD reports:

The Family Research Council’s “values voters” summit concluded today with an onsite straw poll that found Mike Huckabee winning with a majority of support.

Mike Huckabee 488 51.26%

Mitt Romney 99 10.40%

Fred Thompson 77 8.09%

Tom Tancredo 65 6.83%

Rudy Giuliani 60 6.30%

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Dave says:

    That’s only part of the poll. All FRC members not in attendance were allowed to vote on the internet. Romney won the overall poll.

    I forgive MYDD for their lack of total accuracy. It’s par for the course in moonbatland.

  2. Art Downs says:

    I suspect that the South Park Republicans have another opinion on this.

  3. I forgive MYDD for their lack of total accuracy. It’s par for the course in moonbatland.
    Dave, There was no skirting of facts at MYDD (and the link gets you to both onsite and total FRC).

    The MYDD post talks about Romney edging out Huckabee, so what are you complaing about?
    From the post

    “In the online poll that the Romney campaign pushed hard to win, he only managed to get thirty more votes than Mike Huckabee.”

    Delaware Liberal has cherry-picked MYDD post.

  4. jason330 says:

    I was going to add that part about the phoney off-site polling, but I knew Dave would mention it.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    If I say ‘Jesus’ or ‘Lord’ every third word that comes out of my mouth, I’d bet I would win that poll too! 😉

    I don’t question, I just rely on our Big, Bad-ass-M16-carrying-SkyDad to tell me what to do and think…

    Yeah, that’s the ticket.