Why is Senator Clinton Winning?

Filed in National by on October 20, 2007

It is stange isn’t it? She votes like George Bush. She holds views very similar to George Bush. But while Obama and Edwards are talking about health care and trying to reach “values voters” Clinton is beating on George Bush.


It is that simple. It does not matter what a Democratic candidate thinks. If they are viewed as the person taking the fight to George Bush – they win.

When I’m Obama’s campaign advisor I’m going to have him stop everything except beating up on Bush 24/7. When Bush says “Up” Obama will yell “down.” When Bush says “checkers” Obama will yell “chess.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    Hah… the only concrete action I have seen opposing Bush has come from Chris Dodd and Joe Biden.

    Dodd single-handedly put a hold on Bush’s FISA bill. Yesterday Joe Biden promised to support Dodd’s hold, and a filibuster if necessary. I sent them both ten bucks.

    When the filibuster comes, Hillary and Obama will try to have it both ways by voting for cloture then voting against the bill – which will pass because the Senate is in the telco pocket.

    And let’s not excuse Harry Reid, who doesn’t have to bring this to the floor at all if he doesn’t want to.

    But hey – if Dodd’s hold and filibuster works, the question will be, Why didn’t HRC or Obama do the same thing to stop the war?

    Not to mention Jim “We will show them the way” Webb.

  2. anon says:

    … but to answer the question, look at Hillary’s web site, and watch a few of her speeches. She isn’t bashing Bush – she is making a straight play for the so-called “womens’ issues.” Probably a good idea demographically.

  3. Jason,

    Good point, the Democrats who look to Sen. Clinton are looking at a “candidate” who wants to and can win and not a President who supports them.

    She seems the likely choice while she constantly walks on both sides of an issue.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    A vote for Hillary is a de facto vote for Bill, in the minds of many.

    Clenis would be the sign of a return to sanity amongst most of the world; and he’s already stated he’d like to take on a ‘World Ambassador’ role if Hillary wins.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Though having Bill back on the scene can only be a good thing, I’m not to happy having the minority group of the Dem Party, DLC, having a massive say about policy.

    That’s why Hillary won’t get my vote in the primary.

  6. jason330 says:

    BTW – you all know that I’m right. Nobody gives a fuck about the war. That’s why nobody is commenting on that post.

  7. liz allen says:

    for all you Hillary supporters…go see the movie Rendition…Bill Clinton was renditioning people before George WAR Bush! Clinton was the best neo con the repukes ever had….want more of the same…vote Hillary. Want more secrecy, more civil liberty destruction, more war, more spying, wanna keep Gitmo, wanna give the insurance companies your money….for health care…vote for Hillary…the one person the right wing know they can beat….its John Edwards the neo cons truly fear.

  8. The FISA bill deserves to die. It may be the first time all year that I agreed with Sen. Dodd. It is too bad the Democrats are more afraid of bad public relations than bad policy.

  9. Alan Coffey says:

    Been saying so for months now. Hillary is a Neocon.

  10. Why wasn’t Chris Dodd on all of the Sunday Pundit Shows? er, on ANY of the Sunday shows…

    MTP spent most of the show on Hillary in print. Conservatives lurve Hillary.

  11. June says:

    Here is what we will get if Hillary is elected. Click on: Defense industry picks Clinton

  12. June says:

    Well, that didn’t work. Try this:

    And, Jason, why do you keep saying nobody gives a F*** about the war? You must mean your regular readers on this blog, I guess. Don’t say “nobody.” I’ve been arrested 10 times protesting this gawdawful war. I don’t do that for fun. Have another trial coming up in January.

  13. jason330 says:


    You give a F**** and I know that you know a few people who do. I’m not trying to push you buttons – but Mike Castle a guy who has been a big supporter of this war enjoys the support of 56% of Democrats.